Confusing {12}

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"You didn't have to come with me." You say to Kakashi, walking up the steps to go to Tsunade's office. He gives you a smile and shakes his head. "It's fine. I'll stay out in the hall."

You just shrug it off and head down the hall. To be honest, you're confused as to what she wants. It was out of the blue and apparently 'very urgent'. So it'd be a lie to say you aren't a bit nervous.

Although something that does make you feel better is replaying thoughts from only a few hours ago. Dancing with Kakashi in the kitchen, small laughs and quiet steps. That was a very special moment for you.

Feelings are fading in.

Feelings that you haven't felt in a long time.

You hold your hands behind your back and walk in, peering through the shadow of your hood and looking straight into Tsunade's eyes. But when you see her small smile, you gently pull off your hood and smooth down your hair a bit, returning the smile.

She sees you physically grow more comfortable and sighs, patting the desk a bit. "Good news, Y/N. I was able to set up an alternate assignment to gain your promotion to Jōnin back."

Your eyes, quite literally, light up and you bring your hand to your mouth, gasping with a smile. "Seriously?! Thank you!" You exclaim.

The woman sees your happiness and looks at you softer, glancing at the door. "I know you brought Kakashi with you. Have him come in." She says with a raised eyebrow. You sheepishly laugh and walk over to the door, opening it and inviting him into the office.

Kakashi walks in with a bit of a confused expression, looking at both your and Tsunade's smiling faces. "What's going on?" He asks.

Once you each take your stance, the Hokage sighs and leans on her hand. "Kakashi, Y/N is being promoted to Jōnin. I'm giving her an alternate assignment since she missed the exams."

When she announces this, you eagerly look to the man and examine his expression, waiting for him to be proud. Or simply show a bit of happiness for you.

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