Tell Him {15}

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All three of you approach the small town that is surrounded by huge, stone walls and guards all around. "Ok, this is it I think." You announce to Mitsue and his grandmother; Grandma Hisa.

Just as you walk up to the gates, they drop closed and 2 guards step in front of you. "Halt! Who are you and what is your business in this village?" The man on the left asks.

The three of you bow as you speak first. "I am here on a mission from the Leaf. I need to speak to Princess Aiko immediately."

Both of the guards look you up and down, slight looks of annoyance on their faces. "We have not received any information about Leaf ninja coming to our village"

When they say this, you slightly bounce on your feet and realize may not be as easy as you had thought. You can't exactly count on the princess to allow you into the village. So the only other option is to hope that they know about your team who transported her.

"I'm part of the team who transported Princess Aiko here a little over a week ago. I must see her immediately, it's urgent."

Luckily, their faces relax and they nod as the gate is raised. "We'll need all of your weapons. And your friends will need to stay outside." They tell you, pointing to the two people beside you.

You nod your head in understanding and hand over all of your kunai and shuriken. But your katana— you give that to Mitsue before walking into the village.

As soon as you step foot into the new village they drop the gate behind you and everyone that is walking the streets directs their attention to you. So, since you've never liked unwanted attention, you reach for your hood to put it on... forgetting that it was torn to shreds while you were being strangled underwater.

So at the moment, you're only a skirt, bandages, and chainmail-fishnet. See, you would have changed into a spare outfit that you brought, but that washed away as well.

So, you sigh and continue walking down the path in the middle of the village that leads straight to the huge castle. The amount of stares you are getting is insane, but you don't pay any mind to it.

His Traitor ➪ 𝘬. 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 [lemons]Where stories live. Discover now