Worse Than Scum {10}

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You adjust your hold on Mai as you walk next to Sakura. You all have been walking for 5 hours and she's starting to get a bit heavy, but you aren't willing to wake her up, she's still passed out cold.

"So Y/N-sensei," Sakura starts beside you. When you give her a nod, she smiles bright and giggles a bit. "Are you and Kakashi-sensei dating yet?"

You choke on nothing and look at her with wide eyes. "W-what? No? Why would I want that?"

Naruto chimes in with a sweet laugh, jogging up beside you. "You guys totally should! It would be so cool. Like you're our mom and dad!"

Sasuke walks a bit faster and nudges his way between you and Naruto. "I wouldn't want Kakashi to be my dad. He'd be a horrible father." He butts in, making you raise an eyebrow. "What about me? Would I make a horrible mother?"

Truthfully, you really want to hear his answer. Having children is something you've always wanted. There's something about raising a child and giving them what you never had that makes your heart jump for joy.

The raven-haired boy looks at you and then glances to Mai, seeing her fast asleep. "No."

You laugh a bit and bump Mai up slightly. "Well, don't consider me your mom. I'd prefer not to mother three twelve-year-olds at once." You say, making Naruto pout.

"Oh c'mon! It can't be that hard, right? Just ask Kakashi-sensei for help since you guys are dating."

"Naruto!" You reprimand, kicking him in the back of the knees and making him fall to the ground. "We aren't dating."

The boy stands up and throws his hands in the air. "I was only joking! Can't ya take a joke, Mom!"



Not only do you not him calling you his mother because- well- you're not his mother. But you heard of Kushina and her personality. If she were alive and caught this boy calling you 'Mom'... that would probably make your life a living hell.

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