Part 2: And... Scene {15}

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Your eyes snap open and you're already violently trembling, hyperventilating, and sobbing.

This wakes Kakashi up and he quickly wraps his arms around your body, pulling you into him. "Woah, woah, hey, it's okay." He whispers, already knowing what this is about.

You shake your head and grip onto the shirt loosely fitting your body. "I-it's not. It's not. It's not." You cry, continuing to tremble and curl your body into a ball, silently begging to feel a bump on your stomach.

Kakashi's chin trembles and he squeezes his eyes closed, adjusting his arms around your shoulders and holding you as close as possible. "Y/N, i-it's okay. You're okay." He whispers.

But again, your head erratically shakes and you're still trembling. "I-it's my fault. It's m-my fault. It's all my fault. I killed her. It was m-me. It was me. It was- I did it." You stumble over your words as you speak through heavy breaths and sobs.

The words coming out of your mouth physically pain the male holding you and he starts shaking a bit. "Please stop... p-please." He begs, his voice shaking horribly.

And yet, your sobs just get harder as well as your trembling. "I-I killed her! I killed Mai! It was me!
I- I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" You're now yelling and seething your nails into your skin through your shirt.

Kakashi slaps his hand over your mouth and tears slip from his own eyes. "STOP!" He screams, loud enough to shake your eardrums.

Your eyes open once more and your yelling stops, revealing Kakashi with tears drenching his skin. Carefully taking his shaking hand away from your mouth, you can't help but feel guilty.

This happens just about every night. You wake up in the middle of the night screaming and sobbing, yelling about how it's your fault that your daughter is dead.

"I- I'm sorry." You whisper, wiping away his tears. He brushes off your apology with a shake of the head and takes a few deep breaths, thickly swallowing nothing.

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