Tease {21}

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You close the book as you finish reading where you left off before and turn to him. "So, I was thinking," You start.

Kakashi looks up at you and signals for you to continue. "...I'm gonna try the jutsu's in here." You sit on your heels and give your best puppy dog eyes. You're genuinely really intrigued with what they do and how they work.

Kakashi lets out a laugh but quickly stops and looks you dead in the eye. "No, you're not."

Your face drops and you smack your slips. "Why~? I can handle it I swear!" You toss the book onto the table and slump into the sofa. Kakashi shakes his head and leans on the arm of the couch. "Because I said so."

Because I said so?

You sit up from leaning on the couch and crawl over to him. "Please~ Kakashi? I'm going to do them anyways, but I want your help." You beg.

You are being determined to get him to let you do it. It's not like you need his permission, you would just prefer to have it than not. Going behind his back just feels wrong.

Even with your begs, Kakashi stands his ground. "No means no." He says without even looking at you.

You move closer to him and raise your lip, your face only five inches or so from his own. "You definitely have a superiority kink." You mutter.

Kakashi curses under his breath and finally looks at you. "You sure do worry about my kinks a lot, don't you?"

You widen your eyes and purse your lips, but quickly relax your face. "It's because you're so easy to fluster. Look how red your face is. You're definitely a bottom." You tease.

Kakashi looks at you unimpressed and raises an eyebrow. "Why do you-"

Before he can finish his sentence you interrupt him. "Fuck, Kashi~" You moan in a breath and bring your hand to his jaw, slightly kissing the very tip of his jawline.

In the blink of an eye, Kakashi is on top of you and pinning your hands on the couch. "Go ahead Y/N, one more time." He says in a low voice.

Your face drops and you look at him slyly. "Aren't you excited for your date with Princess Aiko?" You say just to annoy him.

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