Awakened? {63}

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"Alright, we're here."

Vision comes back to your eyes and you look around to see you're in a ravine that seems to have been made into a town of some sort. There are holes carved out into the stone walls to make homes and shops and lots of people everywhere.

"EVERYONE!" The person beside you suddenly screams. As if it's their cue, every person on the pathway scurries into their homes, shops, anywhere where they can hide.

You finally decide to stand to your feet but when you do, you're harshly shoved back to the floor. You open your mouth to speak but snap it shut when you see your mother walking toward you.

Where the hell did she even come from?

"Hello love," She greets in her fake smooth tone. You slightly bow your head in response before looking back at her.

She smiles at your submission and crouches to your level. "I assume you'd like to know where we are?" You nod. "Too bad. Your little friends kept coming back so we've decided it's a good idea for you to not know where you are. Do you understand?"

Once again, all you do is nod in response. Answering her seems like a waste of energy. Well, answering anyone at this point seemed like a waste of energy.

She then stands up and forces you up with her hand gripping your arm. "Now come my Lilac, we'll get you situated in your living situation. Also, I think you would like to know, you're having more customers from now on for that little stunt you pulled back in the woods. Not only that, but also because they took the scroll. You're a useless bitch."

Your heart sinks lower somehow and you look to the floor, allowing your hood to dip a bit. "How long was I out?" You question, changing the subject.

She thinks for a moment before leading you down a staircase. "About a month. That's about how long the journey was. So your friends can't track you down no matter how hard they try."

A whole month? Now you're actually curious as to where you are and what land you're on.

"So we have five months until the battle?" You ask. Your mother nods and takes you into a small room, the door having multiple locks on the outside. "Correct, although, there may be plans to start a month sooner. We can't have them too prepared in case they already know about what we want."

You look at her a bit funny but erase your facial expression. She clearly doesn't understand that there's no way you guys would actually win the war or that they already know about it.

But you don't even like Mazoku, so you decide to keep that information to yourself.

She sits you down in a seat and starts chaining your ankle to the wall. But that's when you realize something.

You left the letter at the Mist in the wall.

The one thing that kept you sane.


"Can you believe it?! A month earlier! Are they that desperate to be killed?!" Tsunade snaps at Shizune as she stamps paper after paper.

Shizune grabs another stack of papers and places it in front of her. "M-M'lady! What are they even after?!" She asks. Tsunade finishes the stack and orders for another. "What else? They want power." She says as she stamps each page.


Shizune looks around the room and turns back to Tsunade. "We're done. But what power? They know they can't win against us right? We have the Sand on our side training their own shinobi to participate as well. And it's just them?"

Tsunade places down the stamper and looks at her assistant. "It's us versus the Mist and Rock. The Village Hidden in the Rock was a very recent addition to their side because of an agreement that they've made."

Shizune picks up Tonton and cocks an eyebrow. "And what agreement is that?"

The Hokage purses her lips and looks at the door as if she's expecting someone to walk in and she doesn't want them to hear. "Osoregan. Someone in the Rock had heard about how to get them and they got in contact with Mazoku, who agreed to their terms."

Again, Shizune is visibly confused.

Tsunade sighs and rests back in her chair. "Those terms being to take the blood of Y/N to gain the eyes for their own power."

Tonton and Shizune both widen their eyes and stare in disbelief. "T-they're going to kill her?!" Shizune asks while Tonton squeals. The Fifth shakes her head and sighs. "The opposite. They're going to keep her alive on her bare minimum because they want everyone on their side to have her eyes."

Shizune's jaw drops and she holds Tonton tighter. "T-that's hundreds of people!"

It falls silent for a couple of moments before Tsunade answers. "I know. But that's not the only reason they're keeping her alive. This is only speculation, but I was looking through her files and there was a hidden one in the room with the scrolls. Her father had told the Third to hide it there in case of emergencies and so I opened it. Apparently, she's able to awaken a new form of the Osoregan. The Sen-ri No Shi Osoregan. The eye of the devil."

Shizune doesn't even know how to respond. She's a stuttering mess and Tonton is squirming under her hold.

"It's extremely overpowered. I have a small feeling that's why they wanted Y/N but didn't want anything to do with Mitsue. If they know anything of it, she is able to kill everyone on our side herself. She doesn't even need to make eye contact if she's awakened it to use Gashadokuro. She can simply glance at the whites of their eyes as long as they're visible."

Shizune sets down Tonton. "W-well what are we going to do about it? If she's able to kill all of us herself then what do we do? You said that she's our last target right?"

Tsunade nods and laces her fingers. "She's still the last person anybody will kill. But, there's very little reasoning that she would be able to awaken it. Mainly because right now she's in a state of pure and utter depression. The scroll says that to awaken it, you have to reach a full content nature. In which she is anything but and has never actually been in."

Shizune grows a small frown and takes a step toward the desk. "She's never been content?"

She doesn't exactly know too much about you— only what Tsunade has told her and what she's observed. But she does know that you appear to be very energetic and happy most of the time.

Tsunade sighs. "She may look it, but she's never been truly, fully, happy. She's always had a small bit of darkness inside of her because she wanted to know more about her clan. And while Kakashi helped her quite a bit, she never got any answers. And I assume the answers her mother has given her are anything but satisfying to the girl." She explains.

The explanation is quite depressing to Shizune. "What would we do if she has awakened them though?"

Tsunade focuses on the wall and thinks for a moment. "I have a plan, although, I truly doubt she has awakened it. So it's not a necessity."

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