Oblivious {3}

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Iruka allows you to walk in before him and you smile at the home. "It's so homey in here." You laugh, enjoying the well-decorated space.

He smiles and locks the door before passing you and heading to the kitchen. "So, why do you have to stay the night? I'd think you have your own place, right?"

A groan leaves your throat and you nod, following right after him. "Yeah, I do. It's pretty depressing though. And I have no clue why I have to stay here for the night. Kakashi-sensei told me to, so I have to." You put direct emphasis on the word 'sensei', still hating it.

Iruka pulls out two cups of instant ramen and looks at you funny. "Kakashi-what?"

"It's a whole thing. Don't even ask."

He laughs and puts a pot on the stove, beginning to boil some water. As he does so, you make your way beside him and lean on the counter, recalling the situation earlier.

It seemed like they were all hiding something from you. The way that Jiraiya said a simple name and you were forced away... was odd.

"Do you know who Mazoku is?"

Your question falls on Iruka's ears and he shrugs honestly, shaking his head. "No clue, who is that?"

When he has no answer, you just sigh and also shrug. "No clue."

The water soon begins boiling and you open the lids of the cups halfway, allowing him to pour in the steaming water. "So, what was your time like away?"

"It was... it was fine. I'm just glad to be back."

Lying to Iruka seems so wrong. But there isn't much you can do about it. You've never said what you've done out loud, and you plan to keep it that way.

Your best friend laughs and moves to the other cup. "Just fine? No details? Did you meet anyone? Make any friends."

When he says this, you scoff and laugh a bit, shaking your head. "Yeah, I met some people. No one I care too much about though." Again, another lie to the person you never used to lie to.

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