Completely Shattered {55}

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Kakashi looks at the tired Tsunade with wide eyes and shakes his head. "N-no. She's not- she wouldn't do that."

Naruto nods his head and rests his hands behind his head. "Yeah, why the hell would she do that? You probably have her mistaken with some scumbag that took advantage of the situation."

Tsunade purses her lips and holds a familiar ANBU mask up to the people in front of her. "We found this at the front gate. Two guards said a girl had this on and walked into the room with scrolls to grab the scroll, claiming she had specific instructions from me to do so."

Naruto's eyes widen as he looks at the mask that now has a crack in the ear and his face heats up. "U-um Lady Tsunade..." He pipes. Everyone in the room looks over at him as he sheepishly scratches the back of his neck.

"I-I saw her earlier... like thirty-five minutes ago."

It's quiet for about half a millisecond... before everyone is screaming at once.




He throws his hands in the air and tries to calm everyone. "Hey! I didn't know it was her! She had that stupid mask on! I thought she was just an ANBU member listening to the conversation for information or something!"

The room is dead silent and everyone stares at the floor, not sure what to say.

Kakashi is totally empty inside. His emotions that were all over the place earlier are all gone, you've taken them with you when you left. While everyone is filled with sorrow and sadness— he's simply a void.

He doesn't know how to feel anymore.

Tsunade takes a breath and presses on her eyes. "We'll wait a week. By then I'll send Kakashi and a few others out to track her down. At all times there will be at least five ANBU members trying to find any trail of her." She explains as she allows her gaze to fall onto all the people who care about you standing in front of her.

No one verbally responds but they all just slightly nod their head. "Now, it's almost 1:30 in the morning, all of you guys get home and get some sleep. Except you Kakashi, stay behind a bit."

With quiet goodbyes, everyone leaves the room.

Kakashi blankly stares at the lady in front of him with an empty gaze as the door shuts. "Where is she." It doesn't even remotely sound like a question.

Tsunade sighs and leans in her chair. "Wherever her mom is." He shakes his head and hardens the look in his eye. "She hasn't even met Mazoku. And that lady is not her mom. She may be her mother, but not her mom."

"She has met her. At least, that's what we're suspecting. And that's most likely where she's heading." Tsunade says. Kakashi balls his fist and shakes his head, causing her to sigh. "Where else do you think she would go?"

He thinks for a moment. You can't go to your origin village, it was destroyed. And he genuinely can't think of anywhere else. Aiko's village in the Land of Honey isn't your favorite place. And he knows you hate the Mist with a strong passion.

A loud boom of thunder hits and he tenses, thinking of you and your fear.

"Maybe she went to The Land of Honey. I'm sure she probably left to go there because she forgot something." That sounded so pathetic coming from his mouth it's laughable.

"Kakashi..." Tsunade purses her lips and looks at him sadly.

He gives in and looks at the desk, remembering when you rammed into it a while ago during his meeting. "I... I don't know where she went." He admits in shame.

She sighs and nods her head. "I know. Tomorrow you can go out and search for her, but right now go and get some sleep. Or at least try." She holds up your ANBU mask and reaches it out to Kakashi, who takes it and feels his stomach drop.

Just before he turns around, the Hokage stops him. "You might want to take this too."

He looks at her hand and sees the small dark blue velvet box.

"She would have said yes." She reassures. He just hums in response and shoves it in his pocket.

As Kakashi walks down the street aimlessly, the storm clears up and everything goes quiet. It's just him and the sound of his feet hitting the ground. Every now and then a swoosh would go by from Anbu members searching around the village for you, but he doesn't pay any attention.

He's too busy thinking of absolutely nothing.

He knows you would say yes. He knows you would have said yes forever ago if it weren't for you leaving. That's the only reason you said no and he knows it.

He recalls the night at the castle and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.

'I have things I have to settle before I marry.'

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" He screams to nobody, not caring who he wakes up.

How could he not have known? The signs you were giving him were so damn clear... yet he failed to see them.

Therefore, he failed you.

He continues walking aimlessly and looks up to face your apartment. He didn't even realize his feet carried him this way and the familiar home sends a jolt of pain to his heart.

With a shattered inside, he walks up the four small steps and goes to your door handle, knocking out of habit before walking into the unlocked house. His heart starts pounding in his eyes and barely a sliver of hope grows in his heart.

Maybe she's here.
Maybe the storm freaked her out and she decided not to go.
Maybe she wanted to stay for me.

That very small part of hope drops when he opens your bedroom door to see nothing.

It's the empty room with the messed-up sheets from yesterday morning just how you both left them. He turns his head to look into the bathroom, hoping maybe it's clean.

But nothing. The chair still sits in front of the sink.

He chokes down sobs and walks into your bedroom, your scent hitting him like a brick. "Just come back." He whispers to himself as he allows himself to cry into the back of his hand.

He quickly walks to your closet and breaks into sobs. Hiccuping and letting out pathetic vocal gasps. He rips down a bunch of your shirts and anything that's hanging and slides down the wall, holding your clothes to his face and crying into them.

Everything he did, just to call you his... was put to waste.

It was all for nothing at all.

But as much as he may want to think that. Every moment spent with you was pure bliss.

And he would do anything to relive just a single moment with you.

Yet here he is, alone and screaming your name with all his breath, hoping maybe you'll come back... for him.

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