Fight for Me {19}

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You mentally wake up to the strong scent of hospital disinfect, burning your nostrils. The whole room is completely silent beside your slow, unnatural breathing and the constant beeping of the machine announcing that you're alive.

Although your body has woken up, you keep your eyes shut. The thought of opening your eyelids sounds painful.

Your whole body is frigid and feels ice cold, besides your hand. Your hand is being held and kept warm by two other hands. They're larger than your own and have gloves covering most of their skin besides their fingers.

You try and muster up some strength to squeeze their hand but as soon as you even think about moving any muscles, a sharp pain is shot through your veins.

The person holding your hand then starts speaking in a very soft voice, it mirrors the way someone would speak if they just put a baby to sleep.

"There isn't much else I need to say... but I'm sorry. I'm still scared you won't make it. I- I need you to make it. This is a selfish request, but please, keep fighting for me. You mean so much to me... so much more than you know."

The knot in your throat breaks and you attempt to open your tear-filled eyes, but you can't. When you try, the small amount of strength you had slips away and you fall back asleep, trying desperately to stay awake and look at him.

But it's simply not possible.

                     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Again, your body wakes up but your eyes are shut. The time there's no talking, but you hear small winces. You aren't sure how long you were out for. It could have been five minutes or five years.

But you do have more strength.

This time, you open your eyes, squeezing them back shut when the fluorescent lights slap your vision. After a moment or two of adjusting, you're able to keep them open. It's only a small amount though. Your eyelids are heavy and need a bit more time to fully open.

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