Chapter 8

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Violet was in her home. The Mikaelson mansion. She was already 4 months into her pregnancy. She knew her pregnancy wouldn't be normal due to her being a vampire and a werewolf. Sam and Jacob did take on the responsibility of helping her. Bella and Edward were getting married and Jacob took off. He couldn't believe his best friend was marrying a vampire then becoming one. Violet was upset but kept strong not wanting to risk losing her baby. She couldn't really do anything. But just like Hope witches were coming for her baby to sacrifice for Esther return. Even though Esther didn't want to let her granddaughter to lose her child. The witches were only sacrifing Violet child for power. Esther had used her magic from the other side to kill the witches that were coming after her great grandchild. Violet was getting ready for the wedding. She had gotten a dress that wasn't tight for her to wear but was comfortable for her.
Violet dress

 Violet dress

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Once she was ready she saw her family downstairs waiting for her

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Once she was ready she saw her family downstairs waiting for her. They saw Violet and smiled. Her little baby bump was showing. "Aww look at the little bump" Grace said. Violet smiled. They soon left to go to the Cullen household. No one know when the baby would be born but they hoped not to soon. The wedding was very beautiful. Now it was time for the reception. There were vampires that were like the cold ones. They were afraid of the Mikaelsons because of how powerful they were. Soon Bella and Edward left and went outside. Violet stood by the door an saw Jacob and Bella dancing. Edward came next to her. "How is the little one doing" Edward asked."their good. They like to move around a lot and the to give me a hard time but it don't matter" Violet said. Edward smiled at her. The two had managed to become close friends. As well as Bella and Violet. Violet then heard yelling. She was careful to walk downstairs. "Jacob stop it" Violet said. Jacob looked at Violet with rage in his eyes. Violet took a step back. Seth stood in front of Violet and Embry and Quill came to help. "Enough Jacob" Sam said. "Stay out if this Sam" Jacob said. "Your not gonna start something that we are gonna have to finish" Sam said. Violet walked to Sam and Sam wrapped an arm around her waist and put and hand on her stomach. "She'll die" Jacob said. "She isn't our concern anymore" Sam said. Jacob looked back and left hitting shoulders with Sam. Sam was shaking but remembered his pregnant mate was next to him and he didn't want to hurt her. Violet left with Sam back to the pack house. Violet was sitting on the couch as Sam and the pack argued with Jacob. Leah sat next to her comforting the girl. "You think going to the wedding was a good idea" Sam said angrily. "She is gonna die and become a vampire" Jacob said back. "She's a Cullen now we can't do anything about it" Paul said. He looked to see his best friend walking up the stairs with Leah. He sighed knowing that if something were to happen then she would be at safe distance. "Jacob if you lost control not only would you hurt Bella you would hurt Violet who is pregnant and be responsible for her baby's death" Sam said. Jacob froze and never realized that. He looked at Violet with rage in his eyes back at the Cullen's house. He could have hurt her and be the cause of her baby's death. He sighed knowing Sam was right. Grace has walked in. "I'm here to take Violet back home. It better if she stays there for the remainder of  he pregnancy or until the baby is born" Grace said. Klaus walked in and went upstairs to get Violet who was sleeping. He took Violet to his car and put her in the back seat so she could be comfortable. Grace an Klaus left to go home. Klaus put Violet in the bed and put the blanket over here and left the room. But the thing is was Violet's baby going to be the reason she turns into a full hybrid? Would this be the family's second hope for a better life?

Okay so Violet's baby won't have purple hair. They will have dark brown hair. And I am very sorry for not posting but I will try to. I have been stressed with school.

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