Chapter 11

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Violet looked around her. She saw how everything was clear to her. She looked next to her to see a bed but no one was there. "Bella must have woken up already" Violet said. Violet sat up and walked to a mirror. She smiled at her dress and the shoes. "Thank you Rebekah" Violet said giggling. She saw how her vampire version looked. "I'm a hybrid now" Violet said smiling. She looked behind her to see her mom and dad. "You look so beautiful" Grace said. "Let's just hope you get my attitude" Klaus said. Grace sent him a look. "Don't worry dad I already do have it" Violet said. Klaus smirked at her. Klaus gave her a cup of blood. Violet drank it. She was already used to know about how being a vampire works. She has her thirst for blood under control and she know how to compell someone. She walked to the kitchen to the Cullen's and the pack and her family. She smiled at them. She noticed how Hope and Paul were close and Paul looked scared of her. She knew he imprinted on her sister. She looked at him with a serious look then smiled. It was like saying she was okay with it. Paul sighed in relief and smiled back. "Violet someone wants to say hi" Rebekah said. Violet looked to see a baby boy in her arms. She knew this baby was her son. She took a hold of him in her arms. She smiled. The baby boy opened his eyes and saw his mother. He snuggled to her. Violet smiled. "What are you gonna name him" Hayley asked. "I was thinking Caleb Kol Mikaelson" Violet said. "After me" Kol said wiping a fake tear making everyone laugh. "It's a nice name" Grace said. Hope came up to the little boy and stuck her finger out making Caleb look at he finger and take hold of it. "He likes you Hope" Violet said. Hope smiled. Today was truly a happy day.
~a month later~
It has been a month since Caleb was born. Violet moved back in with Sam. Caleb was a handful. It was night time. Sam and Violet were at home sleepimg. Caleb was crying. Sam walked into the nursery and picked him up. "What's wrong bud" Sam asked. Sam then looked to see he was hungry. He got a bottle ready and fed Caleb. Then he was about to put Caleb in the crib when he decided to bring him back to the bed. He put Caleb in the middle. Then Sam fell asleep. The next morning Violet look to see baby Caleb next to her. She smiled. "Good Morning" Violet said to Caleb. He smiled at his mother. Sam woke up and smiled at his little family next to him. This was the family he was gonna protect no matter what. He spent the day with his family knowing that after what was about to happen would probably be the last time.

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