Chapter 4

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Violet waited for Kai to get here. She never told anyone but she was 20% vampire. Her mother didn't know either. Violet was turned by her father after an accident happened. Just like her father she had veins and he eyes turned a different color. She heard a car come in and she saw Kai. "Hey Kai" Violet said. "Hey" Kai said hugging her. "Come in" Violet said. She showed him his room. And Violet helped him get settled. Kai didn't bring a lot of things because he and Violet would go to the mall and get clothes for him and change his identity. As Kai and Violet were discussing things the pack walked in with Grace and the elders. "What's going on" Violet asked. "You keep in contact with your father" Grace asked. Violet eyes widened and she looked at the pack. "You told my mom" Violet asked hurt. The pack nodded. They had an angry look on their faces. "You didn't tell us you were a vampire" Billy said. Violet eyes widened. Kai was behind her ready to use his powers to help Violet. "Violet please tell me" Grace said. "Yes I still talk to my dad" Violet said. "Violet you not supposed to talk to him. He left us. He has another baby with another women. If you don't like me not wanting you to see your dad then you can't live here anymore" Grace said. Violet eyes stinged with tears." then I will leave" Violet said. 'Use your magic and pack my stuff and mind link my dad am tell him I'm coming to New Orleans and I'm moving with him'. Kai nodded. "Violet why are you doing this" Grace said as Violet was leaving. "Enough Grace" Kai said as he and Violet left the house. They saw that Violet would change. "Why are you shutting us out. You have been keeping things from us. What are you so afraid of" Grace said. At that point Violets eyes changed color and veins appeared from under her eyes. "I said stop it" Violet said as she turned around revealing her vampire face. The pack, elders and Grace backed up. Violet fave went back to normal and she looked at Kai. He nodded and they took off running. The pack right behind them. Violet and Kai made it to the cliff. "Violet" Paul yelled. Violet and Kai held hands and Kai transported them to New Orleans. The pack was too late to stop Violet. Violet was now gone. The pack walked back to Sam's house. "She left" Sam told Grace. Grace sighed and had tears. Violet made it to New Orleans and Kai was in the spirit world. He knew he had too. He would leave the spirit world when he was ready. Violet walked to her dad's house. She knocked on the door. Klaus opened it to reveal his oldest daughter. "Violet" Klaus said. "Dad" Violet said crying and hugged Klaus. "Mom found out and told me to leave so I left and she know about me being a vampire" Violet said crying. Klaus grew angry at Grace. "Don't worry love your safe here." Klaus said. Violet was welcomed into the family. They already loved her. Violet knew from that day on she would have a new family. Hayley she already called Violet her daughter and Violet called Hayley mom. And from that day on Violet was not Violet Evans. She was Violet Mikaelson.

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