Chapter 6

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Violet was in her home the mansion her father for her and her sister. But Klaus had also come and decided to stay here. Hayley was back in New Orleans with the rest of the family. Hayley and Elijah were finally a couple and Klaus had no problem with that. Hope was coloring with crayons. Klaus was in his study painting. A knock brought Violet out of  trance and she walked and opened to reveal The elders, pack and Grace. "What are you doing here" Violet asked. "Well we thought we would apologize and if we could come in and talk" Grace said. Violet nodded and let them in. Hope was still coloring. Violet walked over to her sister and kneeled next to her. "What are you drawing" Violet asked. Hope showed a picture of her just coloring the oaoaer in different colors. "It's pretty keep going" Violet said. Hope gave her a toothy smile and kept in coloring. "We saw another car is anyone here" Billy asked. "Uh yeah my dad" Violet said. Grace felt like the wind was knocked out of her. "If you want I can call him" Violet said. Grace nodded. "Dad" Violet yelled. Klaus came out and saw people. But one stood out the most. "Grace" Klaus said. He walked and wrapped and arm around Violet. "Hello mates I am Niklaus Mikaelson. Violet and Hope father" Klaus said smirking. Grace couldn't help but smile at him. Klaus looked at Grace and smiled. Violet walked to her sister and decided to create something. She started to draw a flower. Klaus looked at both of his daughters and saw that they are very artistic. "Let me see loves" Klaus said. Violet showed Klaus the flower and he smiled. "Very artistic you both are. You get it from me" Klaus said. Grace smiled. She knew what she wanted and that was to rekindle her and Klaus relationship. "Thanks daddy" Violet said. "Tank you dad"Hope said in a baby voice. Klaus smiled at both of his daughters. You can clearly tell that Violet is a daddy girl and Hope is a momma girl. Violet could see that Grace wanted to talk to Klaus and Klaus wanted to talk to Grace. "Um Grace is it alright if we talk" Klaus asked. Grace nodded. They went to Klaus study. "So your sister is very good at drawing" Paul said. Violet nodded a thank you to him. She was still upset at him and the fact that they told the tribe about her being a vampire. Violet and the elders waited to see if Klaus and Grace were done talking. Soon enough they came out with a smile on their faces. "Your dad and I have been talking about working it out" Grace said as Klaus wrapped an arm around her. Violet smiled at her parents. Violet decided to walk outside and have fresh air. Sam walked out. "Hey" Sam said. Violet looked to see him and turned back to the direction on front of the house. "I get it your mad because we told your mom. I didn't want to tell her. Jacob forced us to and because he is born to be an alpha we had to listen" Sam said. Violet looked at him and smiled and grabbed his hand. Jacob walked outside. "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean for any of this to happen" Jacob said. Violet looked at him and smiled. "I forgive you all" Violet said. Sam and Jacob smiled at her. They watched the sunset. Violet was home but would she have her happily ever after?

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