Chapter 2

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Violet woke up the next morning and saw Paul and Jared asleep. She went to the kitchen and made breakfast for the boys. Soon they woke up and saw Violet cooking. "Well well were having Violet cooking again. I missed that" Jared said eating the breakfast. Violet smiled. "Hey want to go to the pack house today" Paul asked. "Sure why not" Violet said. After breakfast they got ready.
Violet outfit

 Violet outfit

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They got into Paul's car and drove to Sam's house

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They got into Paul's car and drove to Sam's house. Soon they got there and Violet smiled. They go out of the car and went inside the house. "Hey guys" Paul said. Jared had Violet on his back. Sam and Jacob looked and had a pang of jealousy. Jared put her down and Violet sat down. "Alright V why did you leave" Paul said. "I know it's not because of traveling" Jared said. Violet sighed. "Well I got contacted by my dad." Violet said. "What" Paul and Jared said. "He wanted to see me. He told me why I haven't met him because of my grandfather who was trying to kill my dad." Violet said. She smiled at the thought of her dad. She pulled out a picture of her dad. "That's my dad" Violet said. Paul and Jared looked at the picture and looked at Violet who was smiling. "I found out I have a little sister" Violet said. She pulled out a picture of her sister. "So Grace doesn't know about you knowing your dad" Embry asked. Violet nodded. "Why" Paul asked. "She said things about my dad. If I ever brought him up she would change the subject" Violet said. "I get the werewolf gene from him" Violet said. "But my dad is a hybrid. Vampire/Werewolf  hybrid" Violet said." wait your dad is Niklaus Mikaelson" Sam asked shocked. Violet nodded." so your a vampire" Jacob asked." no I'm not. I am a werewolf and that's it" Violet said." I want my dad to be apart of my life. I don't know if my mom does want him in her life" Violet said. Violet sighed sadly. "But enough about that you met your dad your happy that's all that matters" Jared said. Violet smiled. "Let's watch a scary movie" Paul said. "Which one" Violet said. "How about the conjuring" Embry said. "Or Paranormal activity" Violet said. (Or whatever it's called). "Yes" the boys said. They got snacks and put the movie on. Violet was in between Sam and Jacob. Paul was sitting in between her legs. As they were watching the movie violet decided to scare the boys. "I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom" Violet said and got up. She got her red lipstick and wrote on the mirror 'You're next'. Violet put fake blood on her hands and then put it on walls. The blood was easy to take off. She put fake blood on the floor. She then made something fall and screamed and quietly walked into another room masking her scent. She heard foogsteps running to the bathroom. "Violet where are you" she heard Paul yell. "Guys there is blood everywhere" Quill said. "Look it says your next" Embry said. Violet jumped out the closet and said boo out loud and the boys jumped and screamed. They saw it was Violet who was on the floor laughing. "You should have seen the look on your face" Violet said. "That's not funny" Paul said. "I'm sorry but I had too" Violet said. Jacob and Sam came from behind and put a handful in Violet shoulder making her jump. "Oh my god you scared me" Violet said putting a hand to her heart. "Payback" Sam said laughing. They walked back downstairs and continued to watch the movie. The movie finished and Violet fell asleep with her head on Sam's lap and her legs and Jacob lap. Sam was stroking her hair. "She can spend the night here" Sam said. The boys left. Sam picked up Violet and put her on his bed. He began to take her clothes off and went and grabbed one of his shirts. It took all of Sam's might not to kiss her. He put his shirt on her and put the covers over Violet. He got in the covers and wrapped an arm around her waist and fell asleep right next to her.

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