Chapter 1

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It was night time and there was a bonfire. "Alright as you know Grace has a daughter" Billy Black said. "Well she is coming home tonught" Billy said. "That's why Grace left early" Embry asked. Billy nodded. "Violet is coming back to town" Jared and Paul said out loud. "You two know her" Jacob asked. "Yeah all three of us grew up together. We have been best friends since 2nd grade" Paul said. "She is also a wolf but different. Her bones break on the full moon" Billy said. This shocked everyone. "She knows about you all being wolves. So don't worry about it" Harry said. The pack nodded. Grace Evans was at the airport waiting for her daughter. She saw her daughter for the first time in 3 years. Violet Evans was 15 when she she left. Now she is 18 years old.
Violet outfit

Violet outfit

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"Mom" Violet said and ran and hugged her mom

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"Mom" Violet said and ran and hugged her mom. "Violet I missed you" Grace said. "I missed you more" Violet said. "You know Jared and Paul missed you so much. When you left they were so sad they phased but their happy but they will be happier now" Grace said. "I'm excited" Violet said. "Why did you leave" Grace asked Violet as they got into the car. "Oh because I kinda wanted to explore the world" Violet lied. The real reason was because her father contacted her and wanted to talk with her. Her father told her that he told Grace to leave to keep her safe and his baby. She met her step mom Hayley and her aunts and uncles and her little sister Hope who is a baby. Grace drove to Billy's house. The pack heard a car coming and she it was Grace. Soon the two doors opened and two people came out. It was Grace and Violet. "Violet" Jared and Paul said. Violet ran to her best friends and they all fell down hugging and laughing. "I missed you guys" Violet said. "We missed you too." Jared and Paul said. 'Her voice sound like and angel' Sam and Jacob thought because they both shared the same mind link. Violet looked towards the pack. She made eye contact with Sam and Jacob. Time stopped and people looked toward them. "It's like gravity. Suddenly it's not the earth holding you down. It's her. You would be anything for her, do anything for her. A friend, protector, brother, or lover." Sam and Jacob said. Not out loud though. They saw their while future with her. They all blinked. Violet smiled and blushed at them. Grace, some of the pack members and the council smiled because they knew. In the mind link Paul and Jared were pissed. "Sam, Jacob she just got here and you imprint on her." Jared said. "Treat her right. She is like a sister to us." Paul said. Sam and Jacob nodded. The rest of the night everyone talked about the legends and Violet explained what she was. Soon she left with Paul and Jared because she was gonna move in with Paul. Jared was spending the night. Once they got to Paul's house they changed into their pajamas and sat on the couch and watched movies soon they all fell asleep.

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