Chapter 9

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~a couple weeks later~
Violet was in her room reading a book. Davina looked like she would be giving birth to her baby this month. And she was. Freya told her that she need to be careful. Violet felt her baby kick. She looked at her stomach and smiled. It felt a little lonely without Jacob or Sam. But she knew she had to do this to make sure none of the pack members would hurt her. Soon Klaus had gotten a call from Carlisle explaining Bella was pregnant. But it was impossible for vampires to procreate. Klaus could do it because he had half werewolf in him. Klaus agreed to help the Cullen family even though he didn't want to put his pregnant daughter at risk. He went to Violet room and took her to The Cullen house. The pack was gonna try and kill the baby that was in Bella. Grace wasn't going to let Violet be put in danger. So she let Violet rest because Violet was getting weaker and falling asleep faster. Grace was gonna do everything in her power to make sure her daughter and grandchild were gonna be fine.
~ a couple days later~
A witch by the name of Genevieve and her two witches who had come back from the dead to kill Violet baby. Just like they did with Hope. So while Violet was asleep. Genevieve kidnapped Violet. Violet woke up in a dark room. She looked to see she was on a bed. A women walked out. "Genevieve what are you doing" Violet asked. "Killing your baby so we can have power" another witch said. Violet grew scared. "You tried to take my sister life and no your gonna take my baby's. That is not gonna happen bitch" Violet said. A blonde witch came up from behind Violet but Violet grabbed a knife and killed her. Genevieve and the other witch grabbed Violet and set her down. "We are gonna get this baby out now" Genevieve said. Violet began to scream. "Dad mom. Help" Violet screamed. As Klaus and Grace were outside he heard someone scream. He heard Violet. His eyes widened. He ran and went to the sound of his daughter screams and killed Genevieve witch and now Genevieve was alone. "Leave my son and my grandma daughter alone" a voice said. Violet looked and saw someone she least expected. "Grandmother Esther" Violet said. Esther used her magic and killed Genevieve. " Don't worry my dear grand daughter she will pay on the other side. Your child will be born in a few days. Take care of your baby" Esther said then disappeared. Klaus helped his daughter home. Klaus explained everything that happened. Violet was at the Mikaelson mansion with a spell to protect her. Now Violet could rest and wait for the birth of her child.

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