Chapter 3

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Violet woke up the next morning to see and arm around her waist. She saw it was Sam sleeping next to her. She saw she was in his shirt and not wearing pants. She blushed and got out of bed and went tobthe bathroom. She did her business. She came back out and saw a bag full of clothes. She smiled. She knew he mom dropped them off earlier. She put the clothes on and went to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. In the bed Sam moved his arm and felt it empty. He shot up from the bed and smelled bacon, eggs and pancakes. He went downstairs and saw Violet cooking. He sighed in relief. "Morning" Sam said. Violet turned around and smiled. "Morning" Violet said. Soon she had finished cooking and placed the food on the table waiting for the rest of the pack. The pack came into the house and saw food. "Food" Jared yelled and sat down grabbing a lot of the food. So did the rest of the pack. Violet looked at them all with wide eyes. "This is so good" Embry said. "Violet cooking is the best" Paul said. Violet smiled. Soon Violet phone started rining. Paul picked it up and saw who it was. "Violet someone calling" Paul said. "I will answer later" Violet said. "Vi it's your dad" Paul said. Violet looked at him and rushed to her phone and answered. "Hi dad" Violet said. She went and sat down on the couch. "Hello love who is it back home" Klaus asked. "It's going well. I miss you though" Violet said. Violet them out the phonecall on video call. "Hey" Violet said. "There she is you look different from the last time I saw you" Klaus said. "Dad you saw me a couple weeks ago" Violet said laughing. "It feels so long though love" Klaus said. "Where is Hayley and Hope" Violet said. Klaus moved the phone to show Hayley and Hope. "Hi mom" Violet said. The pack looked on and got confused. Paul tapped their shoulders. "Her step mom idiots" Paul said. "Hey violet how is it back home" Hayley asked. "Good. I saw my best friends for the first time in over years" Violet said. Paul and Jared smiled. "That's good" Hayley said. Hayley put Hope in vie of the camera. "Hi Hope" Violet said. Hope looked and began to grow happy. Violet laughed. "Hope saw my name Violet" Violet said. "Biolet" Hope said in a baby voice. Violet, Klaus, and Hayley gasped. "She said her first words. Her first words were my name" Violet said. Hope giggled. Kol came in to view. "It's that my lovely niece violet" Kol said. Violet giggled. "Hi uncle Kol" Violet said. "How is my favorite older niece" Kol said. "I'm fine. But we have to keep these calls quiet my mom doesn't know I talk to you guys" Violet said." well let you love be careful in LA Push" Klaus said." and hopefully you get a boyfriend" Rebekah said. Violet giggled and blushed." no she won't Rebekah. Anyway by Violet. I love you little wolf. " Klaus said." love you too dad" Violet said then hung the phone up. She looks a thing pack who were staring at her." what" Violet said." your aunt really wants you to get a boyfriend" Paul said. Violet rolled her eyes and sat on the chair by the table." or two" Jared teased. Violet and Sam looked at each other before looking away from each other. Paul, Jared, Embry laughed. "We have to go get Jacob well be right back" Sam said. Violet nodded. Soon the pack left. Violet started to make muffins. Soon she heard wolf calls. Soon Embry and Jared walked inside. Violet saw a girl standing there. "Whose this" Violet asked. "Bella Swan who else" Jared said. "So your the vampire girl" Violet asked. "So your the wolf girl" she asked Violet. "Well yeah I guess so" Violet said. Violet out the bowl of muffins on the table and before Embry and Jared could grab some she grabbed their arms. "Save some for your brothers and ladies first" Violet said. "Muffin" She asked Bella who nodded. "Leave it to Jacob to finally away around Sam's gag order" Violet said. "He didnt tell me anything" Bella said. "Alpha order get obeyed of we want them to or not. Oh check it out we can hear each other's thoughts" Embry said. "Would you shut up these are trade secrets. Damn it this chick runs with vampires" Jared said." can't really run with vampires" Bella said making Violet giggle." cause their fast" Bella finished." yeah well were faster. Freaked out yet" Jared asked." your not the first monsters I met" Bella said. Violet dropped in her tracks and the word monster made her remember everything back in New Orleans. From her and her dad having family time to killing people hurting her family. And her time with Damon back in Mystic Falls. She snapped out of her thoughts when she hear Sam. "Jakes right your good with weird" Sam said and walked to Violet and kissed the side of her head. Paul and Jacob walked in and Jacob stood by the door. Paul came and sat at the kitchen table. "Sorry" Paul said. Bella and Jacob left. Violet felt a little hurt but realize she had Sam with her and didn't mind it. The pack talked about the red head vampire that kept coming back. Jacob then came back. "Now Bella won't stay away from me" Jacob said annoyed. "Why" Violet asked. "Because he boyfriend left and is using me as a rebound" Jacob said. Violet was shocked but nodded. Soon her phone rang she looked at the caller ID. It was the last person she expected. She got her phone and answered the call. "Hello." She asked. "Hey Violet long time no talk" the person said. "I couldn't talk to you Kai because I was protecting you from Damon and Bonnie" Violet said. The pack looked on. "Well I appreciate it. By my chance do you think I could come and stay with you in Washington" Kai asked. Soon Violet phone dinged. It was a text from Damon. 'We found Kai. We are gonna send him back to the spirit world'. "Okay Kai listen to me you need to leave Mystic Falls now. Damon and Bonnie found you. So to answer your question yes you can come and stay with me" Violet said. She then hung the phone up and went to one of the guest bedrooms and saw it was ready for someone to use. She sighed in relief. She walked downstairs and saw the pack looking at her weirdly." Whose Kai" Jared asked." a friend who is a young warlock. With unnatural powers. He was considered an abomination. So when we met I sorta felt sorry for him. He is a good guy" Violet said. The pack nodded kinda feeling sorry for judging Kai. But they didn't know we that life was about to become more rocky for them.

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