Zaniel - Take Me Back

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Corbyn was at Daniel's house. He had his head rested on the younger's chest as they watch a movie that Corbyn wanted to watch.

"You feeling okay Corbs?" Daniel questions.
"Mhm. Perfect." Corbyn replies as he cuddles closer to his best friend.

A minute later there is a knock at the door and when they turn to face the knock, they notice it's Corbyn's boyfriend, Matt.

"Hey baby. You tired?" Matt questions as he goes to Corbyn and sits down next to him.
Corbyn nods his head before shifting to lean onto the oldest male in the room.

"Wow Matt, steal my cuddle buddy why don't you?" Daniel laughs and the others join in.
"Sorry Daniel, I just wanted to see my boyfriend and I heard he was here." Matt replies.

Corbyn feels his phone vibrate, and when he checks the notification, he tosses his phone away from him on the bed before cuddling closer to Matt.

"What's wrong darling?" Matt questions.
"It's Zach... he wants me to take him back. I'm with you though." Corbyn mumbles.

Another knock on the door later, and Zach walks in.
"Corbyn please, the past few months have been exhausting. I just want you back. I'm sorry for what I did, but I was scared. Please take me back." Zach explains.

Matt was overcome with anger. He carefully moves Corbyn off him and to Daniel, before he stands up.

"Corbyn is with me and he's happy. Why can't you let him be happy?" Matt hisses as he walks to youngest male.
"I do want him to be happy, but I want him to be happy with me." Zach responds.

Matt balls up his fist as he death stares the young brunet.
"Why now? I'm taken." Corbyn questions.
"It was as good of time as any." Zach replies.

"You hurt Corbyn. Zach all you seem to do is hurt Corbyn." Daniel chimes up.
"Please... a final chance?" Zach begs.

Corbyn stands up and walks to Zach before wrapping him in a hug.
"Why is it so important to you if I am with you or not?" Corbyn questions as he sways himself and Zach side to side.

"Because breaking up was the most painful thing I've experienced. I know I deserved it, but I loved you Corbyn, I still do. I was just scared of the others opinions.

Matt seems like a great guy, and I know asking you to leave him for me in unfair. He's probably the better choice, but I can't help it." Zach explains.

Matt's expression softens.
"Corbyn, this is your choice. You were with him first and only broke up of his fear getting in the way. If you do choose him, know that I'll always be your friend. This choice is yours to make and yours to make alone." Matt explains as he stares to the ground.

Corbyn walks to Matt and hugs him. He buries his head in the crook of Matt's neck.
"I love you." Corbyn mumbles and Matt's heart flutters.

That was the first time that Corbyn had ever said those words to him.
"I love you too baby." Matt smiles.

Daniel watches with a smile on his face.
"Zach, come here." Daniel explains and Zach heads over to the boy on the bed.
"What?" He questions.

Daniel just points to Matt and Corbyn who are staring lovingly into each other's eyes.
"Matt wins doesn't he?" Zach questions.
"Yes, but I'm glad you are trying to fix things with Corbyn." Daniel smiles.

"Maybe you guys should go out. You think you're bi Dani. If you're with Zach, in a real relationship, you might find out." Corbyn chimes up as he leans his back into Matt's chest.

Matt wraps his arms around Corbyn and plants a kiss on the younger's temple.
"That's not a bad idea Daniel, saves kissing my baby." Matt laughs and Daniel joins in.

Daniel looks at Zach and notices the young boy blush slightly.
"You okay?" Daniel questions.
"You think you're bi?" Zach questions.

Daniel nods as he places a hand on Zach's cheek.
"You know, we could try to see if we work." Zach mutters.
Daniel smiles and pulls Zach to his chest.
"Pull the same stunt on me as you did Corbyn, and it won't end well." Daniel replies.
"I won't." Zach responds.

Corbyn smiles at the new couple before turning around and planting a peck on his boyfriend's lips.
"Okay Zach, Matt, out. Dani and I were watching a movie and hanging out." Corbyn chimes up before wandering back to the bed.

"Wow, I come here for you and you pick Daniel. I know who you love more." Matt smirks and Corbyn blushes.

"S-sorry." Corbyn stutters.
"It's find. Have fun getting fucked by your best friend. I'll pick you up later so we can go out." Matt replies as he walks over to Corbyn and plants a kiss on his head.

"Wait... hold up what?" Zach questions.
"Inside joke. Corbyn and I will constantly cuddle up and watch movies. To those who don't know us, you'd think we were dating. So everytime Matt comes over here and Corbyn and I are cuddling or something, he pulls the sex with my best friend card." Daniel explains.

"Nothing happens. Also Matt, where are you picking me up from tonight?" Corbyn questions.
"Here, just steal some of Daniel's clothes if you want to change." Matt responds.
"Okay, I love you." Corbyn giggles when Matt plants a kiss to his cheek and scratches the back of his neck.
"I love you too." Matt replies before he and Zach leave.

WC: 938

Part 2 to 'Zorbyn - Broken'

This one was literally because I'm avoiding this one oneshot I've been writing.

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