Jachary/Dorbyn - Cafe

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"So you're the new boy hey?" Zach questions as he walks to a confused Jack.
"Yeah." Jack responds.
"Looks like I'm training you." Zach explains and Jack nods.

They walk over and Zach starts teaching the older how to use the register.
"Why is it so difficult?" Jack complains.
"Each register is different compared to the place you work at." Zach explains.

Jack and Zach were in the middle of discussing how to use the register when a gay couple had walked in.
"Hey, just our usual please." One of the males request.

"Of course, okay Jack so here is what you have to do..." Zach starts before the other male chimes up.
"The new guy is cute. You two look like you would be an amazing couple. I've never seen Zach be so careful with a newbie." The oldest male of the four explains as he leans on his boyfriend.

"I'll get your order sorted." Zach explains as he rolls his eyes.
The couple nod before they walk off.
"Do they know you?" Jack asks.

"Yeah, they're my friends Daniel and Corbyn. I got them together. They liked each other but Corbyn was too scared to tell Daniel and Daniel didn't know what his sexuality was." Zach explains.

Zach guides Jack to make the drinks and grabs a hole of the older male's hand to help him make it. This caught Corbyn's attention and when their drink was made, Corbyn spoke up.

"Are you two dating?" The oldest questions.
"Corbyn Matthew." Daniel snaps as he hits Corbyn.

Zach couldn't help but laugh.
"No, we're not. What gave you the idea that we were?" Jack questions and Corbyn blushes.

"He was holding your hand and helping you make the drinks. I'm sorry... I thought thought Zachy found a boyfriend." Corbyn explains before hiding in Daniel's chest and neck.

"Thanks for the drinks, we'll see you later Zach. Nice to meet you newbie." Daniel explains before he guides Corbyn out of the building.

"Sorry about them. They're wanting me to get in a relationship and they tend to speak up a lot." Zach apologises.

"It's no hassle. Was Corbyn okay though? His reaction was a little concerning." Jack questions.
"He gets nervous easily." Zach responds.

Jack nods before he smirks.
"You doing anything after your shift ends? We finish at the same time." Jack asks and Zach smiles.

"Nah, not that I know of why?" Zach questions.
"Can I take you out then?" Jack asks.
Zach smiles and nods.

After their shifts were over, Jack and Zach got into Jack's car and drove to the movies. Two weeks later, they officially became boyfriends.

WV: 441

Not the best, but I don't mind it. It does sound rushed I'm not gonna lie, but I kinda forgot exactly what I was going to write. I hope it isn't too bad.

Short and sweet: this has been in my drafts for awhile.

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