Janiel/Jarbyn/Zorbyn - fake dates

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"I don't get it, what does Daniel see in him?" Jack questions in annoyance.
"That he's a great person and an amazing boyfriend. I mean why else would he ask Zach to be his boyfriend?" Corbyn replies.

"But I want to be with him." Jack complains.
"Then you should've asked him out when he was available." Corbyn explains.

The curly haired boy looked at Corbyn in annoyance before walking over to him.
"It's not that easy." The younger huffs.
"Well what are you going to do?" Corbyn asks as he looks up at his best friend (and crush) towering over him.

"Simple. Corbyn, you will be my fake boyfriend. Daniel will get hella jealous and break up with Zach to be with me. Duh." Jack explains.
"So you want to fake date?" Corbyn mutters.
"Yep." Jack replies.

Corbyn sighs as he stands up and walks to the desk before sitting down on the chair. He doesn't respond back to his best friend as he ponders the thought.

'You at least get to pretend, so what if it isn't the real thing?' Corbyn questions to himself.
After a couple of minutes, the blond agrees to fake date his best friend.

"Sure, I'll do it." Corbyn chimes up.
"Great, I'll see you tomorrow." Jack replies before he rushes out.

Corbyn goes back to laying on his bed. He grabs his pillow and snuggles up to it.
"It's going be okay Corbyn, maybe in the middle of all this fake dating, Jack will actually gain feelings for you and forget about Daniel." Corbyn comforts himself.

The following day, Corbyn arrives out front of Jack's house. When the smaller boy gets in Corbyn smiles.
"Hey babe." Corbyn chuckles and Jack looks at him confused.
"Corbyn, no need to fake while no one is watching." Jack replies.

Corbyn clears his throat and nods as he starts driving to school embarrassed. When they pull up, Jack waits in the car while Corbyn gets out. Corbyn heads around to Jack's side and opens the door.

"Awe thanks baby." Jack replies as he gets out and playfully pecks Corbyn's cheek.
"No problem." Corbyn replies.

Lunch rolls around and Corbyn heads to his table. He sits next to Jonah and Daniel.
"Am I going to need to move for a certain Zach?" Corbyn laughs as he sees a small brunette haired boy skipping over.
"Please?" Daniel laughs and Corbyn pushes Jonah aside to make room.

"Hey guys." Zach laughs as Daniel snakes his arms around his body.
"Careful, your boyfriend wants you." Jonah laughs as Eben sits next to him.
"Talking about boyfriends, there's my daddy." Jack chimes up as he walks behind Corbyn.

"Hey there princess." Corbyn responds, trying to act like they're dating.
Jack smiles as Corbyn moves him to be on his lap. Corbyn rest his head on Jack's shoulder as he pulls Jack to be closer to him.

"Dang how long have you two been a thing?" Zach questions.
"Not long, but isn't Corbyn perfect?" Jack questions as he looks at Zach.
Zach coughs and nods before focusing on Daniel.

The next few weeks would be the same, Jack would wonder over to Corbyn's table and sit on Corbyn, trying to make the brunette he likes fall for him. Corbyn constantly played along, and soon realised that Jack was never going to give up.

"I... I can't do this anymore Jack." Corbyn pipes up as he lays on Jack's bed.
"Do what?" Jack questions.
"Pretend to be your boyfriend, I hate the act and I-." Corbyn starts before he hears Jack's phone goes off.

"Just like the movies Corbyn. You start to grow tired and as you give up, I get what I want. Daniel and Zach broke up. Daniel wants me to go to dinner with him. Although he's asking if you can pick Zach up." Jack explains.

Corbyn's heart breaks, he no longer has his shot with Jack.
"Sure." He mutters before they get in Corbyn's car and drive to a diner.

When they show up they both head inside.
"Hey, so you two over?" Daniel questions.
"We were never a thing. I only wanted to make you jealous." Jack explains.
"Well, it worked. Zach and I were trying to make Corbyn jealous." Daniel explains.

Corbyn looks confused and that's when Zach walks to him and bows his head in shame.
"Y-you like me?" Corbyn questions towards the youngest male.
"Y-yeah. S-sorry." Zach apologises.

"Who's down for a double date?" Daniel chimes up.
"Sounds good." Corbyn responds as he wraps an arm around Zach's body.
Zach looks up shocked, but smiles as he turns to hug the blond boy.
"Does this make us boyfriends?" Zach questions.
"Definitely." Corbyn responds.

Corbyn enjoyed the date, even though he didn't end up with Jack, he wounded up with Zach, and as much as he feels bad about it, he wouldn't have it any other way.

Zach was overjoyed because he got to be with the person who he wanted to be with. His safe house.

Daniel was the happiest that night, because everyone ended up with someone who they wanted to be with.

And Jack, well Jack was happy that he could finally call Daniel his.
WC: 873

Dunno about this one.

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