Dorbyn - Quit

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Alcoholism, abuse, mentions of rape

"No... no... no..." Daniel mutters to himself.
He just found out that one of his friends since childhood had died in a terrible accident.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye." The blond whispers.
Daniel didn't like showing emotion and did whatever he had to just to make sure he never showed any.

He quickly went to the cabinet and pulled out the strongest alcohol he had there. Daniel started downing the bottle and that's when Corbyn, his boyfriend of two years walked in.

"Hey, how was your day?" The brunet questions as he moves closer to Daniel and sits next to him.
Corbyn goes to plant a kiss on Daniel's cheek, but the blond just shoved him away.

"Oh... sorry." Corbyn apologises.
"I'm in the middle of drowning my sorrows Corbyn, leave me alone." Daniel explains before he stands up and walks off.

Corbyn sat on the couch confused.
"Maybe he's just having a bad day." The brunet suggest to himself as he heads to the kitchen to make Daniel some food.
"Food will help him feel better." The innocent male explains.

After about half an hour, Corbyn finished making Daniel some pasta. He started to head to Daniel to give him the food, unaware that by now, the distraught male was drunk.

"Baby? I made you some food." Corbyn explains happily as he walks towards Daniel.
"Did or did I not tell you to leave me alone?" Daniel snaps.

"You did, I thought you might like some food though." Corbyn replies as his face falls.
"Yeah... well I don't!" Daniel snaps as he slaps Corbyn across the face.

The unexpected action caused the brunet boy to drop the plate of food, spilling it everywhere and smashing the plate.
"Look at what you've done you idiotic and useless boy. Clean it up and get out of my house." The blond hisses before walking off.

By now the brunet had tears in his eyes.
"Why is he like this?" He questions to himself as he kneels down to clean up the mess.

Once the poor boy had finished cleaning, he got his keys to leave.
"And where do you think you're going?" Corbyn hears Daniel snap behind him.

He turns around to look at Daniel before speaking.
"You told me I had to leave the house. I'll be back later tonight." Corbyn explains.

Daniel storms towards Corbyn before grabbing him and tossing him to the ground.
"No, you stay here and do exactly what I tell you to. I feel like having some fun." Daniel smirks.

He grabs Corbyn and guides him up to the room.
"Dani what are we doing?" Corbyn questions trying to free himself." Corbyn begs.

"You've been a bad boy. You deserve to be punished, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to pound into you and show no mercy." The drunken blond explains.


Daniel keeps his grip firm and guided them into their room. What happened to Corbyn next, caused the boy to be more terrified of Daniel then he'd ever imagine.

It was the following morning. Corbyn woke up early and was downstairs in the living room. He was crying quietly to himself.

Meanwhile, Daniel had just woken up. He had a pounding headache. An obvious sign of a hangover. He didn't see Corbyn beside him and decided to yell out to him. The blond had no memory of the previous day and night.

"CORBYN! CAN YOU GET ME SOME ADVIL?!" Daniel yells loud enough that Corbyn should hear.
He quickly flinches though.
"Shouldn't have yelled. Now my head hurts more." The clueless male explains to himself.

Corbyn got the pills and had them placed on the counter next to a glass of water. Daniel came around the corner and took the pills and water.

"Thanks Corbyn." Daniel explains and Corbyn nods.
The blond walks to the brunet and goes to hug him.
"No please, I did what you said, please not again." Corbyn begged as he backed up.

Daniel stopped as he looked at Corbyn.
"What happened? Corbyn? Baby? What did I do?" Daniel questions.
"I got home yesterday and you were upset and drinking. I tried talking to you but you wanted to be left alone." Corbyn starts as he backs up a little more.

"I decided I was going to make you food because it always helps, but when I went to give it to you, you got mad and slapped me. The food fell to the ground and the plate broke." Corbyn continues and Daniel sits down.

"You yelled at me and called me stupid and useless. I had to clean it up and then leave. When I went to leave though, you said I couldn't." Corbyn continues before breaking out into sobs at what happened next.

Daniel stands up to try comfort the brunet but Corbyn shifts away quickly.
"Baby... what did I do after?" Daniel questions concerned.

"You took me upstairs and said you had to punish me. You said you were going to pound into me and show no mercy. You then forced me into the room and took our clothes off before you... you... ra-ra-ra-ape me." Corbyn sobs and Daniel freezes.

"No... no... I couldn't... I'd never... I..." Daniel starts before collapsing to his knees.
"No! I'm horrible person. Corby I'm so sorry. I never in a million years ever wanted to do that. I..." The blond begins before sobbing.

Corbyn looks towards Daniel and carefully moves to kneel beside him.
"You're first time... our first time together and I... I don't even do it with your consent. Never in a million years Corby would I ever wish that to happen." Daniel croaks.

Corbyn moves Daniel's hands from his face and goes to hug him.
"I forgive you." The brunet explains as he cuddles closer to Daniel.
"But you shouldn't... what I did. It's unforgivable. No I should be jailed." Daniel explains as he wraps his arms around Corbyn and buries his face in Corbyn's neck.

Corbyn thinks about everything before he pulls away. He helps Daniel up before guiding him into their room. Afterwards, the brunet pushes Daniel onto the bed and lays down next him before cuddling closer.

"Cuddles. Cuddles help." He explains.
"Corby, baby, you shouldn't forgive me." Daniel explains.
"But I do. You showed that when sober, you don't agree with what you did. So I forgive you." Corbyn explains.

"Corbyn... can we get rid of all the alcohol in the house and agree to never drink a drop again?" Daniel question.
"Yes." Corbyn responds.

Daniel sits up and pulls Corbyn with him. He carefully shifts Corbyn to be sitting on him.
"I'm sorry for everything Corby. I'll do whatever it takes to fix it. I never should've abused you and I never should've touch you and slept with you without your consent." Daniel explains.

"I already forgive you. Let's just agree to make sure that it never happens again and the next time we do anything, let's make sure we both agree to it." Corbyn explains with a smile and Daniel nods.

"You deserve the world Corbyn Matthew Besson, but the world does not deserve you." Daniel explains as he plants a kiss on Corbyn's temple.
Corbyn just cuddles closer to Daniel in response.

WC: 1247

Ew. I hate it, but yeah. Also I know in reality that might not be how the story would end, but I liked it because I didn't know how to write another ending.

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