Zorbyn - Broken

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It was late at night and the five Why Don't We boys were in the studio. They had just finished up writing the first draft of their latest song. Corbyn grabbed Zach's hand and was about to walk out with him when the other three boys (Jack, Jonah, and Daniel) stop them.

"And where do you think you guys are going?" Jonah questions.
"Home... why?" Corbyn replies confused.
"Because we want to talk to you guys about whatever... this is..." Jack responds.

Zach quickly lets go of Corbyn's hand and the tall blond boy looks at the short brunette boy confused.
"Zach?" Corbyn asks as he tries reaching for his boyfriends hand, only to have Zach move away.

"Nothing is going on. Corbyn just grabs my hands sometimes okay. Yeah we got closer, but we're not dating." Zach explains, trying to avoid admitting the truth.
Corbyn looks at him confused and upset.

"But... but you said that we were together... you said yes to me when I asked you to be my boyfriend." Corbyn stutters, his eyes teary.
"I think you misheard me Corbyn. I'm not gay or in anyway attracted to males. Sorry, I'm as straight as a pole." Zach responds, feeling guilty that he is causing his boyfriend so much pain.

"Ouch Corbyn, that's gotta sting. You've been treating Zach like that because you thought he was your boyfriend?" Jack chimes up.
Daniel looks at Corbyn with sympathy in his eyes.
"B-but you d-did agree." Corbyn mumbles.

"As a joke." Zach replies before he looks away, not daring to check how much pain the blond is in.
Corbyn's eyes were burning as he kept on trying to avoid crying. He was about to speak up when Zach cut in.
"Y-you're the only gay one here." The brunette boy explains.

When those words left his mouth, Zach instantly regretted it. Corbyn burst out into tears and rushed off.
"Jonah, go check on Corbyn. I need to have a talk with Zach." Daniel explains before he glared at the youngest member.
Jonah heads off after Corbyn, while Jack and Daniel stay with Zach.

"You're an asshole. You know how much courage it took Corbyn to ask you out. We would talk about it all the time. How he had a thing for you. Corbyn had the biggest crush on you and when you "agreed" to be his boyfriend, you have no idea how happy he was. The day he told me that you said yes, we literally went out to celebrate because he felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders and in a good way.

He finally had a win Zachary. He had you. At least he thought and I thought so too. I guess he and I were both wrong. You've broken him. You broke his heart. You should have never have led him on. You should've been honest with him, not make him believe that he has been dating you for the past three months." Daniel yells angrily.

"Daniel you don't understand." Zach chimes in.
"Don't understand? Don't understand!? Corbyn is my best friend. He's all of our best friend. We all know how fragile he is. I was the only one who knew he was gay aside from himself and Christina. She and I worked so hard to help him build his confidence to ask you. I guess that's on us for leading him to get his heart broken. I can't believe that you would do this though. He was so scared to ask you out and him believing that you guys were dating, well I'm not the only one who noticed his change in behaviour. He was happier, why did you have to ruin it?" Daniel hisses back before storming off after Corbyn.

"That was kind of a dick move Zach." Jack replies.
"Jack... I... Corbyn and I are dating. I just didn't want to come out... I though he would understand and play along... but he didn't." Zach responds as his eyes start to water.
"Then go get your man back. Fix his broken heart." Jack explains as they also rush out.

"CORBYN!" Zach yells as he races up to the group of three.
"What do you want?" Corbyn sobs into Daniel chest.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to come out to the guys so I lied. I did mean it when you ask me out. The past three months, I have considered you my boyfriend. Corbyn Matthew Besson, you are my boyfriend. I'm sorry that I lied." Zach explains.

Corbyn just tightens his grip around Daniel.
"Y-you said that it was a joke, that you're not attracted to males and I'm the only gay one." Corbyn sobs.
"I never meant any of it." Zach explains.
Corbyn doesn't respond to the him.

"Corbyn? Babe?" Zach questions as he puts his hand on the blonds shoulder.
"Dani... can I stay at yours for a while? I don't feel like being at home right now." Corbyn questions.
"Of course, you can stay in my room with me and we can watch and do whatever you want." Daniel replies.

"Zach... I don't want to cause problems in the band... so I will work with you professionally, but no matter what we were, if we were boyfriends or if you actually were just joking, you will be happy to know that we are on the same page now. Friends." Corbyn explains to Zach before he grabs Daniel's arm.

Daniel then guided Corbyn to his car and opens the door for the older boy before heading around to the drivers side.
"Maybe you should've just come out to us bro." Jack explains before turning to Zach.
"Ya think?" Zach responds as he tries holding back tears.

"Give him time Zach, you broke his heart. He still considers you a friend at least, it's Daniel you've got to be worried about, you hurt Corbyn, Daniel is not going to be nice to you about it." Jonah explains before he heads to his car.

"Guys... can you help me win him back?" Zach questions.
"Of course we can." Jack responds.

A couple of weeks after the break up, Zach decides to head over to Daniel.
"Hey Daniel, does Corbyn talk about me... about us?" Zach questions.
"He misses you yes, but you broke his heart." Daniel responds before he looks over and sees Corbyn rushing in with a huge smile on his face.

"Corbyn what's up?" Daniel explains.
"I have a date. It's with this guy name Matt. He's really nice and caring and said that he wants to treat me like royalty. He's coming here now." Corbyn explains as he rushes to Daniel.

"Hey guys, my names Matt Jaffe." Matt explains as he walks in.
"Hi Matt, I'm Daniel, Corbyn's best friend. Just promise me that you'll treat him better then how his last boyfriend did." Daniel explains and Matt looks confused.

"Zach over there decided to say he and Corbyn weren't together because he was scared to out himself." Jonah explains.
"I said I'm sorry. Corbyn is this who you really want to be with?" Zach questions.

"At least he won't be mean and pretend like we never happened. Also I want to try be with someone older then me yes." Corbyn responds and with that Corbyn hugs Daniel goodbye before he and Matt start heading off.

"Whoa before you go anywhere. Matt here's my number. If anything happens with or to Corbyn and you need help, call me. PLEASE take care of him." Daniel explains and Matt nods before they walk off.

"Sorry Zach, looks like you missed out." Jack apologises.
"It's okay, it's my fault. I upset him." Zach responds.
WC: 1288

I'm sorry for this one. It's kinda rushed. I forgot I hadn't finished it and I have another one I've started writing and a request to write.

Also go listen to some of Matt Jaffe's music, he's really good.

Also go listen to some of Matt Jaffe's music, he's really good

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