Janah - Panic Attack

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Jonah barges through the door and throws his belongings on the table. Jack hears the commotion and heads to his boyfriend.

"Hey Jobear, is everything ok?" Jack questions.
Jonah looks up and glares at Jack before making a snarky comment back.
"Yeah Jack, everything is great which is why I'm currently ready to hurt someone." The oldest snarls.

"Don't get mad at me, I was just trying to make sure you're ok." Jack hisses back.
"What by any of my actions made it seem like I was ok?" Jonah snaps back.

"Sorry, I was trying to be a good boyfriend." Jack yells back.
"A good boyfriend wouldn't be so dumb." Jonah replies as he stands up.

"Don't bring your attitude inside. That stays outside!" Jack growls.
"Well how about you het told by Randy to go on this date with some girl because apparently being gay and dating a band mate will ruin our reputation." Jonah snaps.

Jack goes to say something, but Jonah grabs him by the throat and throws him into the wall.
"OW!" Jack yells out in pain.

"Don't you dare start with me Jack. I do not deal with all this crap at work just come home and have to deal with your bullshit." Jonah hisses as he grabs a vase to change the flowers, trying to ignore the fight.

"I don't care what you deal with at work, you don't bring this shit home with you!" Jack snaps back.

Jonah spins around and tosses the vase towards Jack's directions. The younger dodges out the way before looking at his boyfriend in fear.

He quickly scurries away ti their bedroom. When he gets into the room, he locks the door and runs into the conjoint bathroom before closing that door as well.

The frightened boy leans against the wall as he breath becomes short. He feels as like he's grasping for air, as if he's under water and is sinking down.

His vision starts to blur and grabs his head as he coughs for air through tears. It feels like someone is screaming at him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He splutters as his body involuntarily moves so he started to hit the door with his back.

Meanwhile downstairs, Jonah starts to hear Jack. He instantly runs upstairs and tries to open the door unsuccessfully.

"Jack, open the door please." Jonah calls.
Jack doesn't respond, so Jonah locates the key to unlock the bedroom door. He also grabs the bathroom door key just in case.

When he gets back, he unlocks the door before heading to the bathroom and unlocking that door as well.

Jack moves away from the door, but only just before he lays on the ground and curls up into a ball.

Jonah rushes to him and pulls the scared boy to his chest. Jack screams at Jonah.

"Let me go! Let me go!" The younger screams.
"Baby, baby calm down. It's only me. Shh, it's ok." Jonah comforts.

Jack soon manages to calm down. His breathing returns to normal and he cuddles closer to Jonah.

"I'm sorry that I caused you to have a panic attack baby. I was just really frustrated because of work and everything." Jonah apologises.

"It's ok Jobear. Can you promise me that you just won't be like that again?" Jack responds.
"I promise I'll try." Jonah explains.

Jack was satisfied with that answer and nods. The two then head into the room before laying down and having a cuddling session before they decided to watch a movie while hugging.

WC: 595

Requested by: Tpwk-Dorbyn

Hey guys. Sorry it's been awhile. I've been dealing with some stuff recently. I can't promise frequent updates for awhile. Hopefully it can get back to normal soon though.

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