chapter 1.

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isabella pov -
ugh. 8 am, my first day of school in korea. my first day going to school alone. i cant lie and say i'm not nervous. i've hated being around people my whole life.   ever since 7th grade when i decided to do online school for the year, i needed a break you know? i decided it would be good to go back to in person in 8th. i went back for a day, and went home and had a breakdown. i've been doing online school ever since. but i'm here now, if i ever want to succeed i need to stop being a little bitch and get off my ass. so here i am, getting ready to be torn apart at school. i don't fit the korean beauty standard, i have a feeling someone is gonna degrade me today, fun. i have loads of tattoos covering my arms and piercings covering my face and ears, which living here for a bit seems to not be so normal. i just wore whatever i usually do since i don't have uniform yet, more reasons for people to stare. here is my outfit -

i grab my backpack, put my shoes on and i'm out the door, locking it on the way out

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i grab my backpack, put my shoes on and i'm out the door, locking it on the way out. i live in a small apartment near my new school, i enjoy
living like this, it's peaceful. i put my airpods in
and start walking to school. i'm a big music listener, it could be kpop, american, really anything that sounds cool. listening to cool music makes me feel warm, it gives me a sense of something. i start walking towards the entrance, not surprised that i'm receiving weird and rude glares. of course i would, i'm not wearing something normal, i probably look like a freak. i hear people whispering random shit like "what is she wearing?" "she's really pretty!" "where is she from? she's not korean."

i walk into the office and go straight to who seems to be my home room teacher, or whatever it's called here. "hi my name is Isabella Smith, i'm a new transfer student from america, i'm here to get a schedule and such."  i softly said.  "hi yes nice to meet you, let me look for that quickly." he said with a smile. i read his name tag before he moved to look around for my stuff, han junwoo, good to know.  i looked around a bit, this school seems older. old yellowing flower wallpaper covered the walls. the way it was set up was odd, each teacher had their own area, while in america it was just one large desk with some weird back room. either way the school was really beautiful inside and out, flowers and vines grew on the building outside. it makes it seem so ethereal.

"okay here you go, your first class is right down  the hall on the left. if you need any other help finding the other classes ask a student or teacher for directions." i responded with a quick okay and headed out, ignoring the weird glances i was receiving. today is gonna suck isn't it?

hello!! i hope y'all are enjoying this :)
hope everyone is safe, i love you all! i'll write updates when i can, and let's keep watching true beauty! i'll write whenever there is a new episode and tell y'all how i feel. episode 9 was today but unfortunately i haven't watched it yet :(
lots of love, hope you guys enjoy the rest of this :)

- love, bella.

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