chapter 13

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the kiss was everything i thought it would be. it was full of love and emotion. i could tell inyeop really did like me.

his face pulled slighting away from mine, his lips still touching mine a bit. loud breathing was the only sound filling the room.
"what do you think of me bella?" he questioned. i could feel him smirking against my face before he backed more away. i laughed a bit, looking away from his powerful glare. he lightly grabbed my chin, pulling it to look at him. "don't look away from me." he scoffed.

"oh my god." i whispered softly. "what was that?" he pushed his face closer to mine again. i flinched a bit due to the sudden movement.
"you're crazy." i laughed. he backed away from me with a confused look on his face. he soon realized what i meant when he saw how much i was blushing. "so that's a yes?" he smiled at me.

"why wouldn't it be."
i smiled at him as i wrapped my arms around his neck. i felt him wrap his hands around my waist.

he leaned in again, kissing me with more passion and love than before. we pulled away again, catching our breath.
"stay here for the night, it's late." inyeop smiled. "you're a flirt." i laughed, smacking him playfully.
he handed me some of his clothes as i went to the bathroom to change. "why do you have to change in there?" inyeop whined, tugging on my arm. "i'll do it in here if you insist on it." i smirked as i pulled my shirt off, grabbing his pulling it over my head. i unbuttoned my pants, sliding them off as i pulled on the pair of shorts he gave me.

inyeop pov
i stared at her as she took off her shirt, and then sliding on the one i gave her. she was so beautiful. she took her pants off before putting her shorts after.
i walked over to her after she was fully dressed, i wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her into a hug. i whispered in her ear "you're so beautiful" as i played with her hair.

bella pov.
"thank you inyeop." i said before pulling away from the hug. he went and changed as well as i pulled myself under the covers of his bed. everything smelt like him, i thought as i took in the scent of his clothes. he walked back over to the bed, as he laid under the covers as well. he just looked at me with a smile

"what?" i questioned. "hmmm nothing, you're just really pretty." he smiled, wrapping his hands around my waist. he pulled my closer to him, my head sitting on his chest as his hand stroked my hair. i smiled into his chest, snuggling a bit closer to him.

"i like you too inyeop." i said before falling asleep in his arms.

authors note
this chapter is kinda short but this is just a short one to make up for how long it took me to update. i hope you guys are enjoying this, we are at like 850 reads rn and i cant thank you enough for the support, like holy shit. i never thought anyone would read this, other than my friend supporting be through this whole story. you know who you are 👩‍🦲 i love you all and thank you so much, kisses and stay safe ! mwah mwah mwah
also this ver of this song is insanely good listen to it if you haven't already !!

 you know who you are 👩‍🦲 i love you all and thank you so much, kisses and stay safe ! mwah mwah mwahalso this ver of this song is insanely good listen to it if you haven't already !!

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