chapter 9.

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bella pov

   it was now next monday, the first day of the field trip. nothing special happened the rest of last week.

       it was 5:30 am, i was finishing up packing. i had to leave by 6 to get there on time. i made my coffee before throwing on my shoes and running out the door. we didn't have to wear our uniforms so i wore a cute outfit today.

        making it to school, the first thing i did was go on the bus to put my stuff away

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making it to school, the first thing i did was go on the bus to put my stuff away. i walked over to mr. han, who was sitting outside the bus. "hey, good morning. i wanted to give you something." i handed him a book he had been talking about for the past week or so. "oh gosh bella, you didn't have to! thank you for being a good student, i'm happy to have you in this class." he finished, smiling up at me. "you're welcome, thanks for making me feel welcome here." i bowed to him before walking off to find yoona and minah.

finding the 2 girls sitting with their boyfriends i went up, greeting them. "hey guys, good morning." i yawned, before hearing minah speak up. "OH MY GOD HI, I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T COMING!" she yelled. "it's way too early for you to be yelling, but glad you're happy i'm here." i laughed, rubbing my forehead jokingly. i felt a pair of hands around my waist. i turned around to see a sleepy inyeop, smiling back at me. "good morninggg beautifulll." he slurred out. "what are you doing? are you that tired?" i responded. before he could speak again the teacher called us all on the bus.

while he was talking about seats, inyeop was busy holding onto my hand.
"you guys can sit wherever you want, just behave okay?" he said before taking a seat in the front row with the other teachers. i sat down at a back window, inyeop sitting next to me. i put my headphones in, leaning my head on inyeop's shoulder. it will be good to rest. i thought before falling asleep.

inyeop pov
i felt a weight on my shoulder, i looked over to see bella with her eyes closed. she was asleep, still clinging onto my hand. i rested my head lightly on top of hers before i also fell asleep.

bella pov
the feeling of the bus coming to a stop woke me up, i realized we had reached our destination. i tried to move my head, before i realized inyeop had his head placed on top of mine. i laughed before taking a photo of the 2 of us, his beautiful sleeping face. i shook him awake. he immediately woke up, moving his head from on top of mine. i stood up, still holding onto his cold hand. we both walked off the bus. i stretched before i heard the teacher speak again. "alright we are gonna do rooms now, and after that you guys can just chill out for the day." i was put into a room with yoona and minah, not surprised. "i'll get going for now inyeop, i'm gonna go chill for a bit. see you soon." i smiled before letting go of his hand, walking off with my luggage in the other.

minah, yoona, and i made to our room. i stared to put all my stuff down, sitting on the floor as well. "bella, hwang inyeop totally likes you." yoona said poking me. "you know how many times i've heard that from minah? and now you?" i scoffed. "yahhh, don't badmouth me." minah whined. i laughed before speaking again "i would never miss minah." i said pouting. i heard her laugh a bit as well.

it was later, the 3 of us just talked for a few hours. mostly questions about me, as they wanted to get to know me. i didn't mind, i felt nothing but happiness.
we heard an announcement go off "everyone go to the eating area, it's dinner time!" the person doing the announcement yelled. the 3 of us got up. i was just wearing sweat pants and a crop top now, that outfit was too
uncomfortable to relax in.

sitting down, i saw inyeop sitting with his group of friends. i heard that something happened between him and eunwoo, which is why they are no longer friends. inyeop looked over at me, a blush rising on his cheeks. i had a confused look on my face, not knowing why he was blushing. i looked down, and i look completely normal, i have him a weird look before putting my attention back on the people and food in front of me. 
      we all had a really good time talking and eating. everyone was finished now, bidding their goodbyes for the night. "hey you guys, i'm gonna go chill outside for a bit, i'll be back soon." i said to the girls in front of me. "get back safe!" they yelled before walking off.

    i walked down a path and found a bench, right in front of the water. it was such a beautiful view. i took a seat, before just staring off into the lake, my thoughts taking over my mind.
i'm somehow happy here, i don't feel anxious around these people. i thought, smiling to myself. "what are you smiling about?" someone said, interrupting my thoughts. i turned around to see inyeop smiling at me. "hmm nothing." i smiled back at him. "you're cute." he confidently said. a blush raised to my cheeks as i laughed at him. "says you, but thanks." we were sitting down next to each other. "hey bella, can i do something." he questioned. i gave him a confused look "sure? what's up?" i questioned. he didn't respond before he grabbed my face gently, moving himself closer to me before he...

leaving y'all on a cliff hanger until i write again, i hope y'all still love me after this 😫 anyways i love y'all and thank you so much for almost 500 reads !! i hope both sides of your pillow are cold tonight if you're still reading this. kisses, stay safe!!

 kisses, stay safe!!

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