chapter 16 (end)

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there he stood, the guy who changed me for the best. i didn't know what to say, how to react. i just stared at him. the only thing running through my head was him.

i fully turned around, making eye contact with him. "it's really you huh?" i questioned, no expression to be found on my face. "it is." he smiled, walking closer to me. "why would you leave me? why?" the tears i was holding in finally came out, after 2 years i finally shed tears. i slid down on the wall behind be, landing on the cold floor. i felt his warm body wrap around mine as i cried into his shoulder.

"i'm sorry i couldn't tell you then, but i'm back right? that's all the matters right?" he smiled as i lifted my head. "you still hurt me, you left me when i really needed you." i hit his shoulder as i continued to cry. i heard him let out a small laugh as he ran his fingers through my hair. i rested against his body, falling fast asleep against his warm scent.

i woke up in an unfamiliar room, feeling hands wrapped around my waist. looking down at the hands wrapped around me, i immediately recognized them as inyeop's.

people say you start to notice you're in love when you remember the small things about the one you love. i remember his scent even when he was far away, the way he would smile at my any move, the way his mouth parted slightly when he was sleeping, his hands, his everything.

i turned around, facing him. i ran my fingers through his hair as he groaned, waking up. "i'm so happy you're here again." i smiled as i laid my head in his neck, taking in his scent. his hands tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "i'm glad i'm back too." he muttered as he kissed my forehead.

waking fully up, i sat up staring out at the bright sun peeking trough the windows. looking over i stared at the still sleeping boy, the sun lighting his skin, creating a glowing affect. i got up, looking around at inyeop's new room. walking out of his room, i walked over to the wall, leaning against it as i let myself fall slowly to the ground....

inyeop pov.
my legs became weak, as i slid down to the floor, leaning against the wall.
"you're out of my house, GET OUT!" my mother yelled in my face as hot tears streamed down my face. i grabbed my backpack before slamming the door closed, leaving this hell hole. i had no one to call, especially not bella, never would i let her worry about me. she didn't need to waste her energy on something like this, especially in times like these.

    that's when i decided to move to itaewon, to get a fresh start, meet new people and live my life freely.
    as i sat in my new apartment, all alone, i thought about bella, what she could be doing, what she was thinking about all of this. i missed her, everything about her. i never contacted her once, even in the 2 years i was gone. i didn't want to worry her, i watched her from afar at events and such. she was just as beautiful as ever, she never stopped smiling even tho i knew she was in pain.
     i truly loved her, yet sadly..

"i had to leave you." he smiled "but i'm back, huh? i'm happy." he grabbed the sides of my face, pulling me in for a quick peck before letting me go. "so what exactly happened between you and your family?" i questioned, still confused about his messy long story. "well you see.."


my mom yelled and yelled, never giving up her point. "you're such a disappointment, how could you even think like that?" she yelled, spitting in my face. i whipped my face, giving her a dirty look. "it's my life, why do you care?" i yelled back. "you're going to be unsuccessful and poor, you're only dating isabella smith for her money anyways." she barked back at me. my blood boiled to the point i made a mistake.
i smacked her in the face.
"that's when she kicked me out. i know it was a mistake but look at me, i'm happier now." he smiled again. "i'm happy you're happy, you're all the matters to me." i smiled back at him. he laughed a bit, before pulling me into a tight hug. "let's me happy together, forever." he whispered in my ear as he ran his fingers through my hair. i smiled into his arm, feeling as if this was all i could ask for.

in that moment we knew there was no way we could get rid of each other, we were staying together forever, happily. just like that, bella was never alone again, she experienced happiness again, and she would for the rest of her time with him.

the end

authors note
HEYYY omfg, this wasn't how this was gonna end to begin with but i think it's better this way, i hope you enjoyed this story even until it's very last moment. tysm for the support and i hope to continue writing good things for you all, kisses i appreciate you all. thank you !

 thank you !

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