chapter 12.

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i was walking before i was pulled into an empty ally way. the person covered my mouth, seeing the person in front of me my eyes widened, he spoke up.

"hi bella, it's been a while hasn't it?"

i blankly stared at the older boy before responding. "you don't have to scare the shit out of me!" i smacked him playfully on the arm. "i didn't mean to scare you, just wanted to see you." moonbin said. "let's walk home together." he suggested, smiling. "yeah sure, let's go." i held his hand as we walked off to my house together.

inyeop pov
i walked slowly behind bella, not really wanting to catch up with her. that's when she got pulled into an alley way. i ran over to the side of the alley so i could hear the 2 people speaking.
i peak my head around the corner just enough to see them. i saw really close to a man, he had her pushed up against the wall. this made me so mad. i just walked away, not wanting to have anything to do with this.


bella pov

it was a new day. i made plans to hang out with moonbin today. he was someone i met online a while back. we had met like once or twice since he visited that states a lot. he found out i lived here now and came to meet me.

i was getting dressed when i got a notification. checking my phone i see minah texted me

minah -
"hey... there is something up with inyeop, we are having a study group and he is just so pissed off."

- bella
"girl what?? tell him to text me."

minah -
"alright. i'll get back to you."

sitting my phone down i finished putting on my outfit. i walked out of my room, sliding my shoes on and walking out the door. moonbin said we could meet up at a coffee shop.

minah pov
"hey inyeop." i poked his side as he groaned, his head still in his hands. "bella said to text her." i said as he raised his head. he gave me a angry smirk before talking "shes the last person i want to speak to right now." he stood up, slamming the chair back into the table before running out the door."

inyeop pov

"what the fuck did i do wrong." i slid down the wall in an ally, sobbing. she probably never even liked me. i thought as i just continued crying. "she would've never liked someone like me." i whispered to myself. i tried to calm myself down but nothing worked. "i loose everything don't i?" i laughed. "everything.."

bella pov.

my day with moonbin was fun. we had coffee and just talked, it had been about a year since he last got in contact with me.
but now i had every right to be worried.
inyeop hasn't texted me since yesterday. that wasn't a normal thing for him.
picking up my phone i tried to call him, but i failed to reach him. i've called him at least 20
times. he wasn't the type to just ignore me right?

    i threw my jacket on and ran to the door, putting my shoes on. "dear god, please be okay." i whispered before running out the door. i asked a friend where he lived.

    i got to his house, i started knocking on the door. i didn't know if he lived with anyone else so i didn't want to cause a scene. a younger girl answered the door. "hi! who are you?" she questioned. i smiled, bowing slightly to her. "i'm a friend of inyeop's. is he okay? is he home?" she laughed "you seem like more than a friend, come in, he's here." she said smirking.
i laughed a bit before letting out a sigh of relief.

"his room is down the hall on the left, last door." she said smiling "thank you, my names bella by the way." i said as i took my shoes off." "i'm jooha, his sister. nice to meet you." she smiled before walking off.

i walked down to his door, knocking on it. "hmmm i'm coming." he sleepily said. he opened the door, my eyes widen as i looked at him. he was only wearing underwear. "yah!! why are you here!" he yelled, pulling my into his room. "put some fucking clothes on." i laughed, staring at him. he has a slight tint of blush on his face. "we're even, after i saw you in just your bra." he smirked before putting on some clothes. i scoffed before speaking up "are you okay?" i asked "you haven't been answering my calls." i tried to sound as together and collected as i could, but in reality i was really nervous.

    "bella... i have something i need to tell you." inyeop smirked before walking closer to me. i started to back up the closer he got. that came to an end when i felt my back got the wall. his face ended up a few inches from mine, his body pushed up against mine. "you know, i really like you." he played with my hair. i was just frozen in that moment. "i wanted to tell you before someone tries to steal you away from me." he put his attention back onto my face. "i'm going to do something for myself before anyone can." he grabbed both sides of my face with his hands as he slowly moved in, i closed my eyes as he...

                    kissed me.

authors note
OKAY I FINALLY MADE THEM KISS YESS 🙌 how are y'all enjoying this so far? i hope everyone loves it!! i love you all thank you so much for almost 800 reads holy shit, stay safe everyone !

authors noteOKAY I FINALLY MADE THEM KISS YESS 🙌 how are y'all enjoying this so far? i hope everyone loves it!! i love you all thank you so much for almost 800 reads holy shit, stay safe everyone !

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