chapter 6.

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bella pov -

it's been a few days since i last hung out with inyeop. he didn't come to school for the rest of the week. i slowly started to be concerned about him. he didn't even text me at all. what could he possibly be doing? i thought still trying to brush the thought off my mind. it was now saturday and i was planning to go out just to get some fresh air. throwing on a pair of  black jeans, a black long sleeve crop top and a padded jean jacket i walked downstairs, putting my shoes on and walking out the door.

    i decided to stop at some random coffee shop before going to shop for some clothes. i walked in and walked up to counter, not really paying attention to the worker.

"hmm hi can i just get a large caramel macchiato." i said looking up, my eyes quickly widening. "well if it isn't mr. smiley. how've you been? i was worried about you. i said smiling to the boy in front of me. "i'm alright, i felt a bit sick the past days so i didn't show up to school." he said staring in my eyes. "glad to hear you're better, when do you get off?" i questioned. "i get off in about 30 minutes, why?" he asked, confusion present in his tone.
"let's hang out then, i want your advice on some clothes i'm gonna buy." i said excitedly. "i'm not good with women's clothes, how would i even help you?" he scoffed, his infamous smirk showing.   "i don't only wear women's clothes you know? we have a similar style when it comes to men's clothes so i wanted your help. no more questions, you're coming with me." i finished, walking over to the other side of the counter to wait for my drink."
     inyeop handed me my drink. "thanks yeop, i'll wait for you in here. i have work to do anyways." i said smiling before taking a seat, sipping on my coffee. i got on my phone, opening the notes app. i didn't have my notebook with me so i thought this would do for now. i'm currently writing a book about my debut and what it's like being in the music industry. i've always enjoyed writing, but sadly it was never something i could pursue.

     time passed as i heard a voice behind me. taking out my airpods i saw a smirking inyeop behind me. "what?" i questioned. "what are you writing? is it about me?" he said flipping his imaginary long hair. "you're weird, i'm working on my book. that's not important though, let's go!" i said getting up and grabbing his hand. we walked out of the coffee shop before inyeop spoke up "you really like to hold my hand don't you?" he said smirking. "it's just easier to pull you around if we hold hands." i said scoffing.

    we went to some underground random clothing store as i started searching for stuff, i had a few things in mind but nothing too specific. "oh my god, this is beautiful." i said pulling a really beautiful black lace top off the clothing rack. inyeop was staring at me "it's a bit revealing don't you think?" he said staring at the shirt. "why does it matter to you? i dress for myself anyways." i said scoffing. "truthfully, i don't want other guys staring at you."
  "what?" i spoke quietly. there is no way he just said that. i thought to myself. "you heard me, i don't want other guys staring at you." he said. starting to sound a bit mad. "why does it matter, we aren't dating." i said matching his angry tone. he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "wear whatever you want, if something happens to you don't expect me to be there for you." he finished. i just scoffed and walked over to the counter to pay. walking past him to leave, he grabbed my wrist. "i thought you were mad, why are you stopping me?" i said angrily. "you're really gonna act this way after not seeing me for a few days." he said pouting. "let's just go home." i started dragging him out of the store by his hand.

     we started walking back to my house. there was nothing but the sound of cars driving by us, neither of us saying a word to each other. we reached my house as inyeop spoke up again. "here we are again, ending our day off at your house. sorry for being rude earlier, just worried about you." he said with a warm, genuine smile. "don't worry about it, get home safe yeop. i'll see you monday." i said smiling before walking inside. before i could go inside i felt a hand on my wrist. i turned around as inyeop pulled me into a tight hug, i immediately hugged him back. "thank you for tonight, i had fun." he said before letting me go and walking off.

  i walked inside
                               he's insane. i thought smiling to myself. i washed up and laid in bed, checking my phone i saw i had a text. it's was from inyeop.  i opened the message reading it quickly.

"rest well beautiful, i'll see you monday. i promise." i read it smiling, before looking at the photo he sent.

 he's so cute

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he's so cute. i thought as i started typing my reply. 

"you're cute, rest well yeop. see you soon."
i sent the message, setting my phone down on my nightstand before falling into a deep sleep.

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