chapter 5.

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warning ⚠️ this chapter is insanely long.

inyeop pov
   i started to lean down to help her pick up her things. immediately regretting my decision i accidentally fell and landed right over top of her. i was staring down at her face as we both just stayed still, her eyes widen.  i just froze up looking at her, as if time stopped. before i could snap out of it she pushed me off of her harshly.

   "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" she yelled. "ahh i'm fine, don't worry too much." i said calmly. "aish i'm so sorry, i didn't know how to react." she said in a normal tone. "it's fine, don't worry about it." i said smiling at her. i got up, sitting on her bed. "you're room is nice." i blurted out. "hmm thanks, i try my best." she said laughing it off. "are you okay?" i said, not even realizing what i said. "yeah?? why ask??" she said with a confused look. "oh, sorry. no reason."  then i heard something that i never thought i'd hear.
"do you wanna sleep over tonight? it's getting late."
oh my god.. i thought to myself. "don't get the wrong idea boy, i have a spare bedroom if you wanna sleep in there." she said slightly laughing. "why do you have an extra bed room? you live alone." i said confused. "i don't really know, it's just kinda there. maybe it will get use in the future. you never know." she shrugged.
"alright i'll stay, thank you for letting me." i said smiling. "it's no problem." she said with a slight blush rising to her cheeks.
"i had fun tonight, thanks for getting me food."
she smiled, before grabbing my hand to show me where the bathroom and the bedroom that i'd be staying in was. "if you need anything let me know!" she said happily before shutting the door and walking back to her room.  i laid down in the bed after washing up a bit. she was the only thing on my mind. this girl must be crazy. i thought before falling into a deep sleep.

bella pov -
i woke up to the sound of that stupid alarm as always. fuck, i thought before dragging myself out of bed and walking into the kitchen. i grabbed an energy drink before realizing that inyeop was standing next to me, blushing. "why are you blushing?" i said confused. "look down..." he stuttered. "what..??" i looked down and realized i was only wearing a bra and shorts. "holy shit oh my god!!!" i ran back to my room and put on what id be wearing for the day, just a few more days until i get that stupid uniform.

i walked back out to the kitchen, still slightly embarrassed

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i walked back out to the kitchen, still slightly embarrassed. "you saw nothing.. don't tell anyone." i whisper yelled to the still blushing inyeop sitting at my tiny little table. "yeah yeah yeah... why would i tell anyone anyways, that would just start up rumors." he said staring at my outfit. "you look nice." he said calmly. "thank you, now let's go we are gonna be late."

reaching school all i could hear was people talking about me and inyeop coming into school together. does everyone only care about drama? these dumb bitches should be studying instead of caring what others do. i thought to
myself before walking into class and taking my
seat, inyeop following behind me. everyone was whispering to their friends about us. why cant people mind their business like everyone in america? no one cared about others there, this shit is tiring. i sighed, rolling my eyes before taking out my notebook and headphones as i wasn't interested in listening today.

why me? / hwang inyeop Where stories live. Discover now