chapter 2.

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- isabella pov -
      i stood in front of the classroom door, my hand on the doorknob. before i could even turn it some dick head comes up and pushes me out of the way. "get out of the way if you aren't going in, stupid girl." he said quickly under his breath.
fucking jerk.
i got up and quickly walked in after him, smiling slightly at the teacher before waiting for him to say something.
"okay class we have a new transfer student from america, her name is isabella and she'll be studying with us for the remainder of the year. anything you'd like to say?" he finished turning his head towards me. "um hi nice to meet you all, call me bella if you'd like, i don't mind." i turned my head towards the teacher as he started to speak. "you can sit next to park yoona, raise your hand yoona." i turned quickly and saw a beautiful girl with her hand in the air. i almost lost my breath, she's like a doll, naturally beautiful and seems to be kind. i quickly walked over to my seat, putting my things down.  then i heard a voice beside me "hi, i'm yoona. nice to meet you bella." she said smiling beautifully, i wont ever forget that smile. i smiled back accidentally blurting out "you're so fucking beautiful." after i realized the words that just came out of my mouth i smacked my hand over my mouth, my eyes widening. she just laughed, "thanks, i like your outfit by the way! i wish we could wear normal clothes to school all the time!" finishing it off with another beautiful smile.  i quickly thanked her before turning my head back to the front.  after that i continued listening to the teacher talk and putting in my headphones again. just one side though, don't want to get in trouble first day.
     with that class was over, i walked to the bathroom rather than lunch. not paying attention someone bumps into me, causing me to fall down. i look up getting the view of the same jerk from earlier at class. i cant lie tho, he's really stunning. i hear him scoff before he just walks off.
what am i even thinking? he's a dick bella.

      walking slowly and tiredly to the lunch room, i just sat down with a soda, not in the mood to eat a large meal. i heard someone sit in front of me, more like what seemed to be 4 people. looking up i see yoona, another beautiful girl, and 2 boys, one with curly light brown hair and the other with straight dark hair.
"hi bella!" yoona shouted out quickly. "this is min-ah, this is il-jun, and this is eunwoo!" pointing at them all, she stared at me after speaking. "why aren't you eating?"
"ahh i'm not in the mood to eat." min-ah spoke softly "you should really eat, it's good!" "i'm alright, thank you for caring." after i finished speaking they all took their seats. yoona sitting down next to me as she places her hand on my leg. jumping she reassures me that it's just her, calming down i look up at her and smile softly. we all just talked, they asked me tons of questions like, "where did you used to live?", "was it fun there?",  "do you have any friends you left there?", "how do you live alone?"
i didn't mind, it was odd getting attention. i've never felt loved like this, by friends. i hope i can feel like this forever. i've always wanted friends, but it never worked out.

skip -
     i start walking back towards home, i decide to stop and grab a coffee.
"hi can i get a large iced caramel macchiato?"
"it's gonna be 400w is that alright?"
"yes that's fine." speaking softly i hand my money to the barista.
after leaving i just walk home now, stoping at a park before reaching my apartment. i sat down on a bench, just looking around. i was sleepy but happy, is this what it's like to be happy? i thought. i saw a figure in the street lights, walking my way. it was that jerk from earlier, why do i keep running into him? 
he sat down on the other side of the park, unknowingly i blankly stared at him, admiring him. he was just looking around, until his eyes met mine, i immediately looked away. i heard faint walking, i looked up and there he was. staring down at me. "you know it's quite rude to stare right?" scoffing and rolling his eyes to finish off his sentence. "sorry, i wasn't meaning to." i said staring into his beautiful brown eyes. he was addicting to stare at, it felt like i could stare into his his eyes forever.
"i'm inyeop, hwang inyeop. nice to meet you."

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