chapter 8.

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warning, probably the longest chapter yet. ⚠️

bella pov

      it was now monday morning, i finally had my school uniform so i dressed up in that, tying my newly red hair up into a half ponytail. putting my headphones in i grabbed my bag and ran out the door, hoping i wouldn't be late today.

      getting into school everyone was busy blocking the entrance. i started to push my way through the large crowd. i got caught next to min-ah. "what is everyone so excited about this early?" i questioned, rubbing my eyes. "hwang inyeop came back to school, his fan girls are going crazy." she spoke turning to me. immediately letting out a loud gasp. "OH MY GOD YOUR HAIR IS SO CUTE!!!" she yelled as everyone looked our way. i covered her mouth and just smiled at everyone looking at us. i made eye contact with a smirking inyeop as he started to walk towards us. i took my hand slowly off of min-ah's mouth. "you look pretty, sucks i can't see you in cute outfits at school anymore." he spoke,looking me up and down, still with a smirk on his face. everyone went "oooo."
  "aish you're annoying, lets go." grabbing onto a now shocked min-ah, i pulled her to class with me.

        "what's up with you and inyeop, you guys are so cute!!" she yelped excitedly. "do people really think we are a thing? why do people care about that kinda shit?" i questioned. before she could talk again i spoke up "we aren't together, just friends." i pointed at her as the girl in front of me that was smirking. "yeah yeah, it's so obvious that he likes you though!" she loudly said. "what are you so loud for today, it's only 8 am." i whined, laying my head down on my desk.
          hearing whispers i lifted my head back up to see inyeop standing in front of me. he just laid a bottle of iced tea down on my desk before walking to his seat in the back. "they sell sweet tea in korea?" i questioned to the crazy person in front of me "oh my god he totally likes you." she said dancing. i smiled softly to her "yah answer my question!" i pouted. "you're cute, but yeah they do." she said laughing a bit. "really? i've never seen them before. how did he even know i liked this stuff?" i questioned before taking a sip. i threw that question out of my head as the teacher walked in.

        "alright class, exciting news for this morning!" he took a breath before speaking again. "we'll be going on a  trip from next monday to next friday." he said as students started to talk excitedly. wait.. friday is the day of my jacket shooting. i should be back before it happens though. i thought to myself before the teacher continued to talk. "i'll be giving you guys a sign up sheet that you'll have to get a family member sign so you can go. i just blankly stared at the teacher how am i going to get someone to sign that? do i even want to go?" i thought. mr. han left to go back to the office as it was morning break time. i got up at walked to the office going to mr. han's desk. "hi, mr. han, um about the trip sign up sheet, i cant have anyone sign it. i live alone, what should i do?" i said awkwardly smiling "ahh.. you do? i guess i can sign it for you?" he questioned to himself. "if you can that would
be great, thank you mr. han." i gave him a quick smile before walking to the bathroom.

i just decided to wash my hands, staring at myself in the mirror. something is missing about my face, what is it though? i thought with a weird look on my face. i realized i've always wanted a eyebrow piercing but never got one, maybe i'll get one today.

school ended, i was sitting outside searching for a piercing shop, i actually found a tattoo and piercing shop. tattoo shops are rare here, as tattoos are looked down upon. i thought it would be a good time to get a tattoo as i had been wanting to get a new one. i decided to go ahead and call the shop.

"hi this is fire tattoos and piercings how can i help you?" a younger sounding girl picked up the phone

"hello, do you guys take walk ins? and would you do a tattoo and piercing for a 18 year old?" i said softly into the phone, not wanting the people are me to hear.

why me? / hwang inyeop Where stories live. Discover now