chapter 7.

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another long chapter ⚠️
bella pov -

i got up this morning, going to the bathroom first thing like usual. i stared  at myself in the mirror. i really wanna dye my hair today, should i even do that tho? i thought staring at long healthy hair. i wasn't too sure if i should do so, but in the end i decided why not. i walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge. i grabbed out a steak i had bought recently and made food. i ate and then headed back into my room to change to go out and grab hair dye. i changed into something like this

i just did some black eyeliner, no other makeup as i didn't care right now

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i just did some black eyeliner, no other makeup as i didn't care right now. i was about to leave the house as i heard my phone ringing. it was my best friend abby.

"hey bella, guess what." she said calmly as i picked up the phone

"what did you do this time." i said jokingly

"something and nothing at the same time."
she said sounding suspicious.

"the fuck does that mean dumbass?"

"i'm moving to korea in like a month, be ready bestieeee." she said excitedly

"you're so annoying, let me know when you're at the airport a month later, don't tell me when just show up, that'd be funny."

"sounds good, see you then stupid." she finished before hanging up

why does she do these kinds of things? i thought, smiling as i walked out of the house.

i reached some random drug store, going straight to the hair dye isle. it wasn't busy since it was a sunday afternoon. i'm going to do red , i thought that would look nice. i went up the counter paying for the hair dye and then leaving.

i was walking down a random back ally as i heard a loud sound behind me, i look behind me to see a motorcycle heading straight for me. my eyes widened as i quickly moved out the way. the motorcycle swerved to the ground. the owner taking their helmet off and shaking their head to fix their hair. i turned to see who it was and it was the one and only, hwang inyeop.

"what the fuck are you doing?" i said speechless that this dumbass almost just hit me. "do you really think i was trying to hit you?get on now, we gotta go." he said pulling up his motorcycle from the ground, he threw me a spare helmet he had. "you're getting into trouble huh, god be with us today." i said laughing before hoping onto the motorcycle, wrapping my hands around his waist. "hold on tight." he said before driving off from that alley.

inyeop pov -
    the second she wrapped her hands around my waist i felt a burning sensation in my checks. what is wrong with me? i thought before speaking again "hold on tight." with that i started driving off as fast as i could.

why me? / hwang inyeop Where stories live. Discover now