chapter 10.

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bella pov

"hey bella, can i do something." he questioned. i gave him a confused look "sure? what's up?" i questioned. he didn't respond before he grabbed my face gently, moving himself closer to me before he....

put a small butterfly clip into my hair... before pulling back from my face. "it looks pretty." he smiled to me. i took out my phone to look at the clip, seeing it's prettiness in my camera. "thank you yeop, it's really beautiful." i blushed a bit remembering the position the two of us were just in. "not as beautiful as you." he smiled before getting up. "i'm gonna head out, it's late now. you should head back too." he said before walking off.

              i took the clip out of my hair when he was out of my sight. i looked at the beautiful peach and orange hair piece. how did he know this was favorite color? i thought looking at the place he once stood. "weirdo." i whispered, smiling to myself before walking back to my room. i checked my phone seeing it was already 12 am. i washed up before laying down next to the 2 sleeping girls. i stared up at the dark ceiling, not being able to get to sleep. i ended up just drowning in my thoughts before falling asleep, knowing we had to wake up early the next day.

     waking up, i realized i was the first to get up. i sat down in front of my mirror, pulling my hair out of ponytail it was in. i put on light makeup, doing a eyeliner wing as usual. i got dressed before heading out to get some fresh air.

     i just walked around the area, enjoying the nature

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i just walked around the area, enjoying the nature. i heard someone yell behind me. "hey bella!" i turned around to see minah and yoona walking towards me. "good morning." i smiled to them. "you look so cool." minah said smiling i laughed "is it because of the tattoos?" i laughed again. "probably." yoona said staring at minah, who was pouting. the announcements went off, signaling it was time for breakfast.

i sat down with my usual friend group. we were just talking and eating before i saw inyeop come towards us. he sat down next to me, earning a dirty look from eunwoo. "why are you sitting with us?" i questioned with a confused look on my face, knowing he didn't talk to anyone but me. "just wanted to eat with you." he said smiling at me. "you're weird" i said before bringing my attention back at everyone else. "don't let the mood go down, just keep talking." i said moving my hands around in front of their faces. they all smiled before continuing the conversation.

random groups of people were doing random sports. minah, yoona, and i were just sitting in the field that everyone was doing stuff on. the 3 of us were just talking "so bella, how long have you been interested in music for?" minah questioned. "i'd say like 4 years. at first i wanted to be a detective but here we are." i laughed. "are you excited for your single?"yoona spoke, continuing the conversation. "i'm nervous to say the least, i think it will be really good." i smiled, doing a fighting sign with my hands. minah started to talk again before we heard someone yell. "yah bella!" someone yelled, as all 3 of us looked up, seeing the last people we expected it to be. it was hwang inyeop and his friend group. i scoffed before standing up, sticking my hands in my pants pockets. it was kind of weird, us acting like we had nothing to do with each other at school but in reality he was all over me. just a pretty girl spell i guess... kidding.

he spoke up again. "do you want to see me play soccer?" he smirked, expecting a good answer from me. "no, why would i?" i scoffed back at him. he smirked before putting his face closer to mine. "i won't play unless you say so, because nowadays i only listen to you."

authors note
HELLOOOO!!! another update yes 🙌 i hope you guys aren't bored :(( i'm trying my best to make this interesting! i also plan to start writing a eunwoo ff soon so if you guys are interested keep an eye out! i love you all yet again, thanks for sticking around. stay safe!!

 stay safe!!

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