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August 1993
Dursley's Household

It was pitch black until we see what seemed to be a small glow before it dimmed out. Then, the glow emitted again, only bigger and revealing itself to be from a window, and then dimmed out again. All the while, a dog was heard barking. The glow from the window emitted again, only this time it was more clear where the light was coming from.

The glow was coming from Harry and Liv Potter's bedroom on 4 Privet Drive, London, UK. We zoom through the window, to see Harry was sitting up in his bed on his side of the room, underneath his sheets, with his wand emitting the light, while Liv was on her bed of the room, sound asleep. "Lumos Maxima," Harry said, and the glow was so bright that it lit up the room, but Liv stayed asleep. "Lumos Maxima."

Harry was trying to read a book from the wizarding world but stopped when he heard a toilet flushing and immediately went back to sleep just as Uncle Vernon opened the door and turned on the light. He looked around confused to see that both Twins were fast asleep, so he turned off the light and closed the door, heading back to his own bedroom. With him gone, Harry went back to what he was doing. "Lumos Maxima," he chanted, continuingly to read from one of his books. "Lumos Maxima!"

As soon as Harry heard Uncle Vernon coming from his bedroom again, he immediately returned to sleep just as Uncle Vernon opened the door and turned on the light. He looked around suspiciously just before he turned off the light and closed the door again. Harry looked at the door and then smiled to himself. "If you do not go to bed, I swear on Merlin, I will murder you in your sleep," Harry heard Liv whisper angrily.

"Sorry," he muttered before he really went to sleep.

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