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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Substitute Teacher

"The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man."

Professor Lupin's Classroom

Later that morning, Liv was sitting in the middle row, Draco next to her, as she was writing some notes down, Draco watching her, slightly nervously. But he was also writing some stuff down on some parchment.

Behind them was Roni and Daphne, the two of them chattering away, mostly gossiping about Astoria and Pansy's scene from that morning.

In front of them was Hermione and Peter, but as Hermione was explaining some of the notes to Peter, the Gryffindor kept glancing behind him at Liv. But everytime he did, he would quickly look away when he caught Draco's crystal blue eyes, glaring him down.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked Liv, who looked at him for a second before back to her parchment.

"Some notes," Liv said and Draco stiffed a small annoyed smirk.

"You are just like Granger," he said and she looked at him.

"You know she's right in front of you," Liv said.

"You know I don't care, right?" Draco said and Liv rolled her eyes before looking back at her parchment.

"I liked taking notes before I even knew Hermione. You have to remember, I didn't grow up knowing magic. Sometimes, these spells are complicated to remember," Liv explained before she stopped and thought to herself. "Maybe that's why Hermione and I clicked so easily because we are so alike."

"Might as well be a mudblood," Draco said, causing Liv to shoot him a look.

"Screw you too, Draco," Liv said in annoyance, but Draco frowned. He thought his 'joke' would make her smile, but he clearly didn't know Liv's sense of humor.

Peter looked back at them again, to see the frustration in Liv's eyes, staring at the rich pureblood. But again, Draco shoved him off with an evil look.

"Are you-" Draco started to ask, looking at Liv. "Are you and Whiteford dating?"

Liv covered her mouth, trying to cover up a small laugh. "Dating? What kind of a question is that?" Liv asked.

"A regular one," Draco said and Liv rolled her eyes.

"No. He's a friend. Why?" Liv asked, writing down notes again.

"No reason," Draco said, continuing to glare at the back of Peter's head, then back to writing down on some parchment.


Liv jumped as the doors of the classroom suddenly opened up, to Professor Snape rushing into the classroom. Everyone looked at the teacher with troubled eyes, as he used his wand to pull down the curtains. Once at the front of the classroom, Professor Snape pulled down a screen over the blackboard, then turned towards everyone. "Turn to page 394," he simply said.

As the students eyed Professor Snape with guarded curiosity, Draco finished scrawling something on a bit of parchment and balled it up in his hands.

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