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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

"I care too much, in a world that cares too little."

On the castle grounds, Liv, Roni, Hermione, Harry and Ron emerged from the bridge and made their way towards Hagrid's hut as the Whomping Willow loomed in the distance. "Death omens. Honestly. If you ask me, Divination's a very wooly disciple," Hermione said.

"I agree. It's bloody ridiculous. I mean, does Professor Trelawney honestly think Ron and I will be the future? She could not be more wrong," Roni said.

"I am...right behind you," Ron said.

"I know, Ron. That's why I said it," Roni said.

"And what she even meant when she said I needed to accept my feelings and it will save us all. Accept what feelings?" Liv asked.

"Yours for Malfoy," Hermione muttered but Liv shot her a look.

"Feelings for Draco? Are you joking?" Liv asked, almost on the verge of laughing.

"Please say she is," Harry muttered to himself.

"I do not have feelings for Draco Malfoy. He's a bloody prick with daddy issues, and only cares for himself," Liv said.

"Now you finally see him for who he is," Harry said and Liv shot him a quick look, looking behind her.

"I've always seen him for who he is, Harold," Liv spat, looking back in front of her, causing Roni and Hermione to laugh.

"Your real name is Harold?" Roni asked, trying not to laugh.

"Liv!" Harry snapped, but he heard Roni snickering so he shot her a look.

"Sorry, it's-it's-" Roni started before she cleared her throat. "It's not funny."

"We got off subject. I've got to say, Ancient Runes, now that's a fascinating subject," Hermione said.

"Ancient Runes?" Liv asked.

"Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?" Ron asked.

"A fair few," Hermione said.

"It sounds like more than a few," Liv said.

"Hang on. Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once," Ron said.

"Don't be silly, Ronald. How could anyone be in two classes at once?" Hermione asked, but then she, Liv and Roni started to mimic Trelawney. "Broaden your minds."

"You must have The Sight, Hermione!" Liv exclaimed dramatically, then Roni gasped dramatically.

"You have the...GRIM!" Roni exclaimed, ending in with the group all laughing.

Hagrid's Hut

Moments later, students gathered around Hagrid as Liv, Roni, Hermione, Harry and Ron arrived, but when they did, Liv and Roni saw Draco, Crabbe and Goyle standing with the Slytherins. "Now, what are you doing with those blood traitors?" Draco asked Liv and Roni, causing the two to look at him.

"Oh, hi Draco," Roni said before she started to wave, but she then turned the wave into her flicking Draco off. He looked at her in offense as Liv smirked at him.

"Get over it, Daddy's boy," Liv said and Draco rolled his eyes at her, before he slightly smiled, her smiling as well.

"C'mon now, get a move on! Got a rear treat for yeh. Great lesson comin' up. Follow me," Hagrid said.

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