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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Who's There?

"The power of choosing good and evil is within the reach of all."

Just moments later, in the Divination Stairwell, Harry and Liv approached a statue of a hump-backed, one eyed witch.

On the map -- Harry traced his finger along the tattered surface to an ink figure labeled Harry Potter and Liv Potter as Lv just eyed it heavily. Then a tiny speech bubble appeared before them: "Dissendium."

"Dissendium?" Liv asked.

CLICK! The witch's eye opened and the statue pivoted, revealing a dark opening in the floor. As Harry and Liv crouched down, squinted their similar eyes and a cool draft of air ruffled their dark hair as they stared into the darkness.

Underground Passageway

A tiny light bobbed in the distance, fracturing the darkness, then Harry and Liv appeared, the tip of Harry's wand glowing, while Liv held the map. On the map, Harry Potter and Liv Potter glided across the parchment.

Later, Harry and Liv stopped, and Harry craned his neck and tapped the map. "Mischief managed," Harry said.

Hogsmeade Village

In Honeydukes Sweetshop, the shop was filled with customers but in the back was a wooden staircase, and a trapdoor lifted. Then two small heads peeped up, revealing dark blue eyes of Harry and Liv Potter. Harry pulled himself up and as he pulled Liv up, a door banged open, causing the boy-girl twins to jump, hearing dense chatter from above.

Quickly, Harry and Liv hid back inside the trap door, but lifted the door, and watched as a man's boots descended the stairs. They stared at the boots intensely until- "A box of Jelly Slugs as well, Horace. We're nearly cleared out."

The man, Horace, grunted and began to move boxes to find the Jelly Slugs.

As Liv heavily eyed the man, Harry looked up to the cellar door and took out the invisibility cloak, causing Liv to look at him.

Just moments later, the cellar door eased opened, but no one appeared. Through a sweet tooth's dream, swarmed with customers.

Up ahead, Neville prepared to lick a lollipop in his hand, when it simply floated from his fingers and out the door.

On the chaos Main Street of Hogsmeade, into the misty, fog-shrouded, the lollipop drifted on, footprints appeared in the snow below.

Higher up from the village, by the Shrieking Shack, at this elevation, this mist hung in thick, undulating veils, the Shrieking Shack an eerie silhouette in the gloom. Ron and Hermione stood stiffly, attempting, as best they could, to conceal the fact that, basically, they're scared stiff. "It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" Hermione asked.

"Twice," Ron muttered.

"Should we move a bit closer?" Hermione asked, meaning towards the shack.

"Huh?" Ron asked, but realized what she meant. "Oh...all right..."

They took a step, just one step. "Actually, it's fine from here," Ron said nervously.

"Perfect," Hermione said, in the same nervous tone.

Then, they heard shuffling in the snow nearby. They turned to see -- Liv Potter -- running towards them, in an excited fit. "Liv?" Hermione asked, before equally throwing a nervous fit. "You're here?!"

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