Trauma and therapy

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Sorry guys I know it's been awhile I'm still struggling but I tried my best to update for you guys  sorry that it's a bit short and I hope your all doing ok
Shit he passed out this isn't good "what's going on what did you do" I hear the uchia yell "he passed out that bracelet triggered some bad memories" I say back in a clam voice stroking naruto soft hair "why the hell would he have bad memories about a chakra bracelet"

he says sounding like an idiot "I'm pretty sure you remember the last encounter you had with your old team do you remember what Sakura said " I said to the anxious uchia " ya I think so" the uchia replied

Shit He probably has PTSD now but at least now I can get a pretty clear idea of how things went down "he has PTSD now doesn't he" I asked the red hair man cradling Naruto "he does he has episodes this is how I usually calm him down" he says with a sad expression "you can't put that braclet on him it'll trigger him and I can't speak to him with that thing on"

the redhead says I reply with a small nod "put him on the bed for now well just have to take a risk and hope he doesn't kill us all in our sleep" I say to the fox-like male and my team "he won't he only kills people he's hired too so don't worry" the nine tales say as me and the group leave the room to give him some space

It's dark and I can't find Kurama "look at you so pathetic" I turn to those immediately recognizing it as my ex abuser I froze no matter how strong I was I could never stop the devil no matter how hard I tried "you always play the victim as if you didn't enjoy what I did you stupid slut" the man known as sai says to me with an evil smirk as I stay frozen paralyzed in internal fear

" no wonder the Uchia left you he probably saw you as the slut you are and sluts deserved to fucked so that's what I'm gonna do to you god knows you miss my touch," he says as tears now stream down my face in fear as he walks closer to me I want to scream but I'm frozen I can't move he keeps coming closer extending his hand closer to me as I feel my body shake slightly as if someone is pushing me but I can't see who

shit I need to wake him up he's been asleep for an hour and he's been screaming for about ten minutes even sasuke and his team are in here worried "naruto wakes up please!!" I say as I shake him vigorously as he suddenly shoots up with his eyes wide with his rinnegan activated seemingly ready to attack I step back as slowly as possible trying not to startle him too much

"naruto look at me it's me Kurama ok it's safe I promise his eyes slowly turn back to normal his breathing now regulated a calm as I walk up to him slowly sitting on the edge of the bed near naruto "it has been a while since I've had one of those hasn't it," he says laying his head on the pillow face up with a light chuckle "it has been a while," I say with a sad smile "I'm starving what about you it's been a while since you've gone hunting," he says as I hear his stomach growl

"well these guys agreed to not put the braclet on you so I can go hunt and you can prepare the rest," I say " sounds cool I'm pretty sure these jackasses don't know how to cook so let's get started," naruto says as he's getting out of the bed while the others stare in shock at our nonchalant behaviour about the situation before

" go do whatever I and naruto are gonna make dinner so get out or something and stop staring at us," I say as they then averted my gaze and naruto chuckles at my grumpy behaviour this sure was gonna be a bumpy ride.

Hope you enjoyed

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