Letters and conversations

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I updated hurray sorry for the wait my friends
Hope you enjoy
Comment if you want sasuke as a bottom or naruto as a bottom for the story

I'm looking at the sealing listening to sasukes little snores wondering what I'm going to do. I turn my head to the raven haired boy next to me I wanna reach out and touch him but I can't he might wake up and I don't wanna risk it

in all honesty I wanna be with so bad but I can't risk getting hurt anymore i wanna kiss him so bad I miss the way he used to kiss me he was so passionate and warm I want that warmth again but I just don't want the risk that comes with it "kit it's the middle of the night and I can hear your thoughts you know" I hear kurama say in the mind scape "sorry kurama I just don't know what to do I wanna give him a chance but I'm scared" I replied

"I say give him a chance and if it goes wrong you know I'm always here to get you through it just like last time" kurama says and I think he's right "I'll do it" I say and I can hear the  grin on his face "I knew you'd give in sooner or later night kit I'll come out in the morning to make breakfast" he says as I drift into a peaceful sleep

I wake groggily let my hand rest on the opposite side of the bed feeling for naruto but he wasn't there and I panicked I shot up out bed looking around the room looking for him and he's no where in sight

I suddenly hear my shower on realizing that he's just in the bathroom taking a shower and I let out a sigh of relief knowing he's stayed and didn't run off

I sit on the bed waiting on him to come out of the shower so we could have our talk. I hope he gives me a chance even though I know it's highly unlikely but I really want this no need this
I need him

Just as in about to drown in my thoughts naruto walks out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist and his hair in a ponytail  and my face immediately flushes red "morning naruto I was waiting on you to come out so we could talk" I say in a calm voice he nods and sits next me on the bed so we're face to face

"I was stupid naruto I was so stupid I thought kakashi would protect you and I thought Sakura would be there to comfort you till I got back and I know shouldn't have even left in the first place I should've stayed or at least asked you and talked about my feelings nothing can excuse what I did I know that but you need to know that all those years you were gone I thought about you I missed you so much and you have no reason to forgive me or give me a second chance but at l-least think a-about it"

I say my voice cracking at the end trying to hold back my tears thinking about him not loving me any more and it hurts so much.

I hear his voice crack slightly he looks like he's gonna cry I don't wanna see him cry but at least I know he's sorry and didn't mean the things he said and that's all I needed to know "I'll give you another chance" I say my voice just above a whisper and his eyes light up I can see the tears brimming in them he suddenly hugs me and I fall on my back on the bed with him on top "really you mean it naru" he says voice filled with hope I hug him back tight "I mean it sasu I promise" I say smiling warmly hearing him calling me my nickname again

He pulls his head out of my shoulders looking at me with a smile plastered on his face he puts his hand on my cheek staring at my lips with a look of want in his eyes he wanted to kiss me and I wanted to kiss him to I bit my lip to send him over the edge a little bit  And I give him a small nod of permission.

His lips met mine and I melted his lips move with mine we go slow at first but then he licked my lips signalling to me to let him in. I parted my lips slightly giving him access to my mouth. He plunges his warm tongue into my mouth our tongues fight for dominance and he of course won

He starts to explore my mouth going everywhere except for where I want him to and I know he's doing it on purpose. He sees my brows furrow knowing what I wanted and he smirks into the kiss I put my arms around his neck deepening the kiss and he finally gives me what I want.

His mouth is so warm just how I remembered it I know what he wants but I felt like teasing him so I pretended I didn't know. I see his brows furrow slightly and I smirk knowing he's getting frustrated. He wraps his arms around my neck deepening the kiss and I finally give him what he wants

I wrap my tongue around his moving around in sync . he suddenly moaned quietly into the kiss and I feel a sudden dent in my pants get bigger I break away from the kiss for air I can feel Narutos panting against my chest. I start to put my lips on the skin of his neck sucking and kissing it moving from one spot to another marking my territory you could say

I finally reach his collar bone sucking on it harder knowing this was his sweet spot. He lets out a needy moan and starts to nibble and suck harder as he starts to whimper quietly

"Cough cough"

I whip my head around to see Kurama in the doorway with a shit-eating grin on his face "breakfast is ready you horny bastards get downstairs" the fox-like male says from the doorway starting to walk off I turn my head back to naruto who has a heavy blush on his face and I chuckle to my self as I reluctantly get off him. Naruto hurriedly went to get some clothes on silently while I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I'm done brushing my teeth I walk out of the bathroom only to see Naruto gone

I sigh in relief he gave me another chance and I'm not going to let it go to waste

Breakfast was silent with only casual greetings. after eating used my fox summon to send a message to all the great nations asking them not to go to war with Konoha the only reason I'm doing this is because I don't want Konoha bothering me again

I sent all the letters and I now have nothing to do sasuke and his team are in the back yard training and since I'm on vacation I don't have to "kit there's a problem" I hear kurama say to me in a serious tone as he appears in the chair in front of me "whats the problem" I ask curiously as to what could go wrong right now

" it's your heat remember when I told you that you would eventually have a heat well it's coming I can feel it and it's close" my eyes widden in fear "shit how close is it" I ask "in two days " my eyes widen to the extent that they might fall out "shit what am I gonna do I'm gonna have to mate and mark someone and I could get pregnant shit shit shit" I start to ramble

" kit why don't you just ask sasuke" kurama suggest "no way in hell we just got back together and the mate bonds are  forever and I could get pregnant during that time and I doubt he's ready for that type of commitment and what if we don't work out what if he decides to leave again" I say my eyes tearing up at the thought of another heart break

" I know you're scared but what are you gonna do your heat last for two weeks and your only option is sasuke right now," Kurama says "no I can't I just can't ok shit I just forgave him and I'm trying to trust him but it takes time," I say pleading with him to understand "I know kit but we don't have time this is the first heat this could kill you if you don't have a mate" dammit "fine I'll ask sasuke ok and hopefully he says yes and doesn't leave me," I say with a defeated expression

this is the worst

TIME SKIP (after dinner)
The group had finished eating and we were headed to our rooms me and sasuke we're sharing a room and it's kinda scary I didn't want to have sex it was still a no go for me it brought back memories that I rather not remember but I was ok with kissing but I know id have to be ready for it in two days for my heat but only if sasuke agreed to it though.
I lie down on the bed after saying goodnight to sasuke in a hurry trying to avoid any conversation and I drift off to sleep wonder how I'm gonna bring my heat conversation up.

An extra long chapter yaaaaaa
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