Memories and worries

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I'm back hi lovely readers
I love feedback sorry it's late again
Hope you enjoy
The song above is the song in this story you can play it to get the gist of how it sounds

Kurama went out hunting in the woods for meat since the only food they seem to have in this house are vegetables and seasonings I started to cut the vegetables getting ready to make a brought for the soup I was making I suddenly remember a song Kurama used to sing to me when the villagers would be mean to me too calm me down and I start to sing it to myself while chopping the veggies
(the songs name is trip with me)
" Haven't been home in three days, and I am afraid of death."

"Not that I'm going insane,
Cause all of these ghosts are seen, maybe it's all in my brain."

"Take this tab and float away.
Vibe with me, trip with me, tell you how nothing feels real to me."

"I think it's easy and plain to see
When I'm upset you are all I need."

"Vibe with me, trip with me, tell you how nothing feels real to me."

"I think it easy and plain to see
When I'm upset you are all I need."

"Crying while writing this song,
And all I can think about is how good you look when I'm gone."

I stop when I feel kurma walk-in "you still remember that song kit," he says with a bit of amusement in his voice "why wouldn't I it's was one of the things you did to keep me going," I said with a know it all attitude " it's just been so long since I've sung it I guess" Kurama replied with a chuckle "wanna sing it with me like old times you know you want too," I said in a convincing tone of voice and got a careless nod in reply
" Haven't been home in three days, and I am afraid of death."

"Not that I'm going insane,
Cause all of these ghosts are seen, maybe it's all in my brain."

"Take this tab and float away.
Vibe with me, trip with me, tell you how nothing feels real to me."

"I think it's easy and plain to see
When I'm upset you are all I need."

"Vibe with me, trip with me, tell you how nothing feels real to me."

"I think it easy and plain to see
When I'm upset you are all I need."

"Crying while writing this song,
And all I can think about is how good you look when I'm gone."

We sing in unison slightly yelling as we both continue to cook. I haven't been able to do this kind of stuff with Kurama lately because I've been so busy so it's nice to have this time with him I think I'll make this my little vacation for a while even though I don't want to be around sasuke I can manage as long as I get my time with Kurama

" Haven't been home in three days, and I am afraid of death." Kurama sings too me giving me I slight smirk

"Not that I'm going insane,
Cause all of these ghosts are seen, maybe it's all in my brain."
I sing back to Kurama with a goofy grin

"Take this tab and float away.
Vibe with me, trip with me, tell you how nothing feels real to me."
Now we're both yelling the lyrics while cooking

"I think it's easy and plain to see
When I'm upset you are all I need."

"Vibe with me, trip with me, tell you how nothing feels real to me."

"I think it easy and plain to see
When I'm upset you are all I need."

"Crying while writing this song,
And all I can think about is how good you look when I'm gone."

We finished the song and I and Kurama go into a laughing fit I'm standing over the stove holding my stomach while Kurama rolling on the floor laughing like a maniac with tears in his eyes " when's the last time we've laughed that hard" I say with a giggle at the end "a while kit a long while" he says as a reply coming down from his laughing high as well as me I noticed a shadow figure in the hall looking at me and Kurama "you can come out now" I say with a slight annoyance as I see sasuke and his team walk out now realizing that they've been there the entire time watching us

I flush slightly and look to Kurama who was growling at the " good thing you guys are here dinners ready so get a plate and eat" I say as I turn around getting the plates putting them on the table while Kurama serves the food we all sit down and eat in silence until Suigetsu  decided to ask me a question "so Naruto o-San how long were you and sasuke dating before he, you know left?" He asks with nervousness in his voice as sasuke shoots him a glare "about two years is say" I answer in a calm tone he just nods and asks me another question

"This food is amazing where'd you learn to cook like this?" he says and sasuke looks just about ready to punch him in the balls "I wasn't eating the best and my situation when I left the leaf and while on my travels I met an old lady that taught me how to cook for me," I say and sasuke gives me a look of confusion "what situation are you talking about," he asked in a worried tone "it was malnutrition I was so emotionally distraught that I completely ignored my diet and health," I say in a calm matter as if it was nothing

but sasuke doesn't seem to think so as he shoots me a guilty glance and mumble 'im so sorry naruto' I completely ignored the apology and continued to eat the rest of the meal in silence after finishing the meal me and Kurama wash up the dishes as we were thanked for the meal by everyone

after washing up Kurama said he was tired and was going back in the seal and to call him if I need anything "which room is mine" I say to sasuke now the only one in the room with me "the thing is um we have to share a room" he says with a nervous chuckle and I roll my eyes heading to his room to get ready for bed

Halfway through changing into my silk navy blue pyjamas given to me by sasuke the raven walks in with a nervous expression I ignored him and finished changing but just as I was about to lie down he grabbed my wrist "naruto can we talk please I know you can't forgive me right now but at hear me out" he says with a pleading expression as I sigh "fine we can talk tomorrow just not now" I say with a tired voice and sasuke eyes seem to fill with joy at my reply "thank you naruto really" he says as I nod and lie down and get under the covers "good night naru" I hear sasuke whisper as he gets into the bed turning off all the lights

"good night teme"

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