Chapter 1: the first disapearence

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I hope someone actually reads this
All rights reserved to the created of Naruto picture above is not mine
Thanks to my wonderful editor Ariana
May contain swearing 🤬 you have been warned

It's been a year since I've last seen Sasuke. We haven't been in contact since he left the village. Without Sasuke I've been stuck in a loop  of depression and I can't stand it . What's the point  in eating, what's the need in sleeping if The person you love the most leaves you forever. My heart hurts to the point where I can't bear to do anything anymore.

"Please Sasuke, don't go, you don't need to do this, you don't need revenge. I... I love you, please don't do this! " I shouted to him as I cried and begged on my hands and knees on the cold rocky ground for him to stay at the village gates.

Before this all happened I was in bed with Sasuke and  I had felt a cool breeze beside me, when I went to check I found that Sasuke had left the bed in the middle of the night.

He had been acting oddly suspicious this week so I followed him to see what he was up to. I never thought he could ever consider leaving me and the village behind . I was still crying on the cold hard ground when he said something that tore my heart into pieces.

"I never loved you Naruto the  only reason I stayed with you was because I needed a good fuck before headed out to kill itachi !". At that moment I would think that even Orochimaru would feel bad for me.

SASUKE POV (bet you didn't see that one coming )
Naruto was on his hands and knees begging me to stay. This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. He was crying so much that and I could see the pain is in his eyes as I spoke, it hurt me so much to see but I couldn't show that, so I make sure to keep a straight face with an evil smirk.What I said next was the hardest thing I've ever had to say

" I never loved you naruto the only reason I stayed with you was because I needed a good fuck before I headed out to kill Itachi!". The face he made almost made me go over to him, hold him and tell him I didn't mean it, but I couldn't I needed too keep up the facade because Itachi has to pay for what he's done. I just hope Naruto will take me back after this is all over.

Before he could say anything else I walked up to him and delivered a chop to the back of his neck and he collapsed on the cold floor . I walked away with a sad expression and pain in my heart hidden.


It's so hard not seeing sasuke's beautiful onyx eyes, his raven coloured hair, his pale fair skin, and when he uses his sharingan he gives off the most seductive vibe. But I Know I need to get over him. It's for the best anyway, he's not coming back.

As I walk to the training ground I notice the glares I normally get seem more violent than usually, the insults were also more potent and hurtful. It's been like this ever since Sasuke left. The villagers all blame me for him leaving. They say things like "it's all your fault the Uchiha left" or "I hope you die for what you did to the Uchiha".

I'm honestly used to it now but... it still hurts and it seems like all the other villages know that Sasuke left the leaf , I mean me and Sasuke and the team had went on a few missions to other villages and people seemed to notice that me and The leafs precious uchia we're together

I finally arrived at the training ground to see Kakashi-sensei and Sakura warming up.Since Sasuke left Sakura's been nicer and calmer towards me, she was one of the first ones to accept me and Sasuke's relationship. She sees me walking up to her and Kakashi so she comes running up to me and says "hey Naruto, guess what? we have an escort mission today, that means we can look for Sasuke while we're out there!" She said, excited about finding him.

Sakura thought me and Sasuke were the cutest couple, so it makes sense that she'd want to find him. But I know he's not coming back so I just pretended to be excited " yes that's great the more we're out of the village the more chances we will have of finding him believe it !".


Kakashi-sensei had told us to pack for a three day trip, so we all went our separate ways to pack. As I was walking back home, someone pushed into a dark alleyway and my hands were then tied by a rope, I tried to fight but there were too many of them and I couldn't see their faces. They started shouting insults like "your the reason the Uchiha left" and "this is what you deserve" after They were done spouting insults they took out kunais and torture devices.

Before I realized it I was trembling in fear and begging them to stop before things got serious, but they kept on coming closer and closer. One man came up to me and ripped my shirt violently off my body, and put the kunia he had in his hand on my mid abdomen and started to carve the word demon. I screamed in agony as the blood from the carving dripped on the floor creating a pool of blood. The other two men came up to me, turned me on my back, and carved words like die and demon.

After they were done littering my body with carvings they decided to beat me while I was still down. By the time they were done, I still had three hours left till it was time to leave. I picked myself up and crawled the rest of the way back to my apartment, with the blood from my new found wound and carvings dripping on the ground, they left a trail of blood behind me. Once I got back to my apartment I waited for the kyuubi chakra to heal my wounds.


I fell asleep while waiting for the kyubi to heal me. I eventually woke up in what looked like a wet and foggy sewer. I turn around when I hear a low growl. I turn around to none other than the kyubi itself. I'm so shocked the words I wanted to speak did not seem to want to come out of my mouth. Luckily I didn't have to speak because kyubi did

"hehe looks like my container has finally come for a visit" the kyubi spoke to me I had never met the kyuubi before this moment but I new it was sealed in me so I just say "hi there I guess nice to meet you I'm naruto " I awkwardly say to the giant mass of pure chakra the kyuubi looked almost shocked that I spoke to him

"well nice to meet you to kit I've never had a container be so nice me before" "wow" I thought before I spoke again "well glad to be the first my names naruto what yours" the kyubi smiled at me before saying "my name is Kurama I also have question for you my kit" the kyuubi said " ok ask away" I answered "I was wondering if you would be willing to leave this stupid village, after seeing what they do to you I don't think it's safe for you here" the kyuubi said I decided that it was time for me to leave the village things were to dangerous and everything reminded me of Sasuke and I need to get over him so I think it best if I leave so I told kyubi to give me a week to do this last mission and say goodbye to the people I care about then we would leave the village.

When I woke up I still had an hour left before I had to leave for the mission. I decided to prepare and see to what extent my injuries have healed too. After preparing food and clothing I decided to look in the mirror to see what My injuries looked like . When I looked into the mirror what I saw was just disgusting.

My whole back was littered with Carvings of the words demon and die. Kyubi managed to heel the carvings in the front but not in the back, my eyes had dark shadowy bags and my bottom lip cut plus  my body was too skinny for your average 17 year old. I decided to stop looking in the mirror and head to the training ground seeing as I only had fifteen minutes left to get there. When I arrived I saw Kakashi-sensei and Sakura and another boy with raven hair about the same age as me and sakura.

After saying hello to Sakura and Kakashi-sensei and turned to the person we were supposed to escort to the rain village and introduced myself to the raven haired boy "hi my names naruto pleasure to meet you" to which he replied "the pleasures all mine the names sai" after introductions we headed to the rain village for the mission


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