The Heat

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I'm back sorry this took so dam long I tried my best to write smut and I hope you enjoy

Smut down below warning

Naruto POV
I'm hot like really hot (we know you are) my body feels like it's on fire my eyes are still closed and I'm pretty sure sasukes still sleeping but I wanna scream out so bad "kit it's your heat it's starting right now" kuram says in the mind scape "yea no shit it's starting now" I say back with a hint of malice "you need to wake up sasuke so he can help you" he says "I know I know just give me a minute "fine just hurry up" and with that he's gone he's probably going to sleep through my suffering just great

I start to whimper quietly trying my best not to wake sasuke up but with my luck he wakes up and looks at me with concerned eyes "hey naru what's wrong what's going on" he says and reaches out and touches my cheek I moan immediately at the contact of  his hand  feeling like Ice on my burning skin "it's my heat it started" I reply breathing heavily

I see a smirk make it's way onto his face at the mention of my heat and he springs into action attacking my neck with soft butterfly kisses that start to get rough over time I'm moaning out so loudly I just hope these rooms are sound proof sasuke starts to move downwards to my chest taking off my shirt in the process he starts to nibble at my bare chest fiddling lightly with my left nipple making me let out a small moan of pleasure he makes his way down lower onto my v line making soft love bites just before he forcefully pulls down my pants and underwear to reveal my springing erection

Sasuke looks up just as he's about to grab it asking me for approval and I give a shy nod to continue on his hand grabs around my member slowly jerking it up and down I whimper slightly needing more friction and he suddenly pulls his hand away making me whimper even more at the loss of contact only for him to turn me around onto my stomach with me ass in the air going in to prep my hole "sasuke just put it in already my heat makes me naturally ready for you so please just hurry"

I say sounding needy he suddenly start to rub his large 8inch erection between my cheeks his hands needing at my cheeks roughly before he plunges his erection into me and I see stars and he grunts as he reaches my deepest point "shit your so tight around me" says as he starts to pound into me at an extremely low pace and that's just not enough for me

"Sasuke im not a doll I'm not gonna break please go harder" I say looking back at him meeting his eyes "are you sure I don't wanna hurt you" he replies and I give him the nod of approval

He plunges into my hole harder slamming into my prostate each time i try to keep my voice down but it's not working so I push my face into a pillow trying to muffle the sounds I'm making when sasuke suddenly sasuke grips my neck bring me up to him while he pounds into me from behind "don't hide you sound let me hear them I've been waiting to long for you to hide them from me" he growls out going harder than before if that was even possible by now I'm screaming out in pleasure while sasuke make occasional grunts and low moans

"I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum shit!" I yell out getting extremely close to my peek "shit me to naru I'm gonna come fuck" he growls out into my neck and his thrust start to get sloppier and he keeps hit my spot over and over again until we reach our peek together and I mark him with a small bite to the nape of his neck and he bites my naps as well as he cums in me with one final thrust 

We collapse onto the bed panting heavily "best sex ever" sasuke says with a sigh at the end and I let out a small chuckle slowly closing my eyes in the process "go to sleep love I'll clean up" he says in a soft voice "I love you" I whisper to him drifting off into sleep but not before hearing him say "I love you too more than you'll ever know" in drift of into a calm dreamless sleep knowing that the man I love is here with me.

Sorry kinda short but I have no idea how to end this story off so type any ideas in the comments I'll give shout-outs to whoever's idea I pick

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