Time will tell

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Hi everyone hope your enjoying this story do far and I would love some feed back

Hope you enjoy


It had three years three long years of healing and training and planning in three years I managed to get a job as an assassin and a highly respected one at that I was known in all villages as the cruel and unusual phantom shade I was hired left and right to kill people regularly

after Kurama had taught me how to kill people that weren't considered my enemies but other people's enemies it was easy from then on especially considering I was a bit emotionally unavailable but I'm ok now I feel fine and I don't have any more panic attacks and I learned to stop cutting Kurama off when I need help and I wasn't insecure anymore

my body was now more muscular my abs more chiselled and a slimmer waist because of training my hair was longer all the way down to my waist my face was a bit smaller and my jaw more pronounced all because of training and hard work

I decided to take a five-month-long break from killing I had a lot of money from my previous job so I would be fine for a while so now I was headed to Kiri  they have some nice ponds and lakes for meditation I'm going to head there and find a nice cave to set up camp and stay for a week or two

then I move to the next place I know not to stay in one place for too long as an assassin I don't wanna run into any rogue ninjas that wanna take down the great phantom shade for bragging rights in the ninja world or someone that wants revenge but it's not like I can't take them it's just too troublesome to deal with

"you sound like a Nara you know that" I hear Kurama say to me I my mindscape " how am I a Nara you lazy fox all you do is sleep all day and be grumpy" I yell back to him in them
mindscape "ok I get it to stop yelling I was kidding ok my bad just shunshin to Kiri  so I can come out and spread my tails for a while,"

the fox said to me in a low voice "fine only cause I don't feel like walking" I replied and shunshin to Kiri  and arrive at a nice dry cave ready to spend two weeks in relaxation and serenity

War has started between the leaf and Kumo along with iwa and we have no allies in this war we were In trouble they had decided to attack last week taking out a group of jounin ninja on a mission the village was already a mess as it is and we're not ready for a war our only option was to go find our jinchuriki no Matter how much I don't want to the council thought it was for the best since no other village or jinchuriki would help us naruto had been spotted all over the place over the last three years by the ninja in the village but no one could seem to bring him back

he would always disappear before they got to him  but now we needed him and we have to find him. So I made a decision "someone bring me all of Konoha eleven tell them they  have a retrieval mission for Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze!!"

All of Konoha elven has arrived we'll at least the rest of the team "I'm sending you all on a retrieval mission for naruto I want him back unharmed preferably but keep in mind that we need him to help end this war so if force is needed use it" they all had looks of happiness exited to finally find there missing friend

well except for Sakura she had a look of disgust but I trust Kakashi after learning his lesson to keep her in line so she doesn't mess this up for us "now get out and don't come back until you find him I have a lead that he's headed to Kiri so that will be the first place you look!!" I yelled to the group and they frantically run out of my office ready to start there mission.

It's been three years and my plan is almost complete Itachi is dead now and I know the truth about what happened and I can honestly say I forgive him and I've moved on after itachis death  I had killed Orochimaru and formed a team that was dedicated to helping people that we're like me who had their families destroyed the only thing missing is naruto I heard he was the one that took out the Akatsuki

I'm so proud that he's so strong and I know that at least he's still alive I worried so much over these three years and I have an idea of where he might be so I and my team are headed to Kiri to find my last Peace of my life's puzzle "im coming for you naruto I promise I just hope you forgive me" I mumbled to my self 

Its time to go find him I will find him
"team let's go!!"

TIME SKIP (there all in Kiri closing in on naruto)
I came out of the cave a couple of hours ago to go meditate in a large pond close by I had already taken off half of the nine tails seal so Kurama could stretch his tails he's now sleeping on my shoulder as we walk well I walk up to the pond "Kurama was here I'm gonna go do some meditation on the pond do you wanna stay on my shoulder or roam around" I asked the fox laying on my shoulder now awake "stay" he replied half asleep I let out a loud sigh and put my hair into a ponytail then I take off my shirt leaving me in baggy cargo pants and I walk on to the pond and sat criss-cross and started to balance my chakra to stay above water and meditate at the same time I would be here for about five hours doing this then id go hunting and back to the cave.

We're close I can feel it I know he's here he has to be I can feel his chakra signature I and the team were walking through the misty woods of Kiri they were all arguing over what they think naruto might look and act like when we arrived I started to get annoyed and decided to tune them out and focus on finding naruto

We were close I can feel it I need to find him I need to I have to where had been walking for quite some time in a misty forest in Kiri but I had a feeling it would all be worth it the team was so excited to find their friend well except for sakura but other than that they were all talking about all the things they could say to naruto to make him come back with us and all the different ways to apologies for not noticing his pain but for me I was so terrified how could I apologies for my stupidity he suffered so much and I did nothing to stop it it's unforgivable I knew I wasn't sure ready but I had to be when the time came and that time was coming up fast.

The Two groups were trying to win back one blonde slowly closing in on the unsuspecting assassin one group of leaf ninja closing in from the right and another group of rogues closing in from the left both groups ready to fight to get the blonde back in their grasp

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