The consequences

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So so sorry I'm late with this updates  I'm having a lot of work to keep up with

Hope you enjoy this chapter

In the leaf village

It had been a month since naruto left, there was no sign of him anywhere.Tsunade's anger grew steadily by the minute, especially after she forced Kakashi to tell her everything. Naruto being raped, Kakashi turning a blind eye, and Sakura's jealous remarks.Tsunade cancelled Sakura's training and took her of duty for a year with no pay

After that ordeal  she would rant and throw things in the day and at night she would break down and cry while drinking her cries were so loud the villagers could hear it

She would lash out at anybody who dares say anything about the situation she still hadn't told the village nor did she tell the rest of his friends but now was the time to do it

she scheduled a village announcement meeting near the Hokage tower in 2 hours and she would make the announcement that Naruto Uzumaki had left the leaf village and that if any ninja were to see him they were to  bring him back unharmed.


There I was standing at the podium in front of the Hokage office in front of the village people ready to make the  announcement that my godson and the leafs  most valuable ninja was gone and nowhere to be seen " hello everyone I'm sure your all wondering why I called you all here today and to  dismay, I'm here to tell you that Naruto Uzumaki a valuable leaf ninja is gone"

what I expected to hear was sad cries and whispers but all I heard was shouts of "the demons gone" "were safe" "I hope someone out there finishes what lord forth started"

I shouted and they all went quiet this was disgraceful and disgusting this is there Saviours son there talking about and my precious godson for god's sake that when I decided it was time to reveal his heritage because they clearly don't know what there doing

" This village is absolutely disgraceful how could you say such things about the boy who gave us most of our alliances and your savours son" Tsunade announced to the people it then turned too silence

Abrupt whispers burst  through the crowd trying to figure out who the Hokage meant by Saviour "since you all seem to be blind Naruto Uzumaki is the son of the late lord forth and he is also the kyuubi jinchuuriki"

I  announced to the crowd
and everyone started to whisper things like "is he actually lord forths son" "there's no way to you remember what we all did to him before he left" "omg what did we do" I'm so confused what do they mean by what did we do but all I know it doesn't sound good

I walked down off the podium and picked up one of the villagers by their shirt and yelled " what did you do to my grandson!!" the villager was shaking and stuttering out phrases I couldn't understand "tell me what you did!!" I yelled again " we we beat him a couple times over the years but nothing to bad were so sorry we didn't know" the villager said

I was now filled with rage. How could they do this to my boy and how did I not notice anything was he hiding it all this time

"you insolent fools. How could you do this? I want all my jounin to round up every last person that put their hands on naruto now!!"

I was fuming when I had an amazing idea " and take the people you find to ibiki and anko I want them tortured and investigated. I also want to know when this started and all the gritty details too!!" I said and walked back into the Hokage tower leaving them to wonder who was going to be taken and tortured.

The whole village was in shock after hearing about who the blonde boy was especially his close friends even though they were shocked they accepted the fact that he's the Kyuubi and they missed him dearly

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