Mission day : 3

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Hey guys, just wanted to say thx for reading and I would love to get some feedback since this is my first time writing
Hope you enjoy it!!

It's so dark and I can't move. "Hello is anybody there?" I shouted out into the darkness. I suddenly felt someone latch their hands onto my neck, it was a tight grip but I could still breathe. " help me, anybody!! why are you doing this to me!!" I managed to spit out through the person's grip that suddenly got tighter. I felt someone's warm breath against my ear. " I can't wait to touch you naruto Kun".

I suddenly shot up, out of the bed heart racing, with tears streaming down my face. " it was just a dream, that's all it was... a dream." I mumbled to myself. " kit, are you ok? I saw the nightmare." Kurama said to me. " I'm fine, it was just a bad dream, I'm ok." But just as he was about to reply Sakura walked in. " hey naruto, we're leaving soon, hurry up and get breakfast with us." I nodded quickly and she left the room.

" Kit, act normal ok? They can't get suspicious of us. Remember we leave three days after this mission, so you can say goodbye to the people you care about, ok?" I nodded. I swiftly got up to get ready to go have breakfast and finish the mission; so I don't have to see that bastard Sai again

I sat down at the table in between Kakashi and Sakura. while Sai sat in front of me on the opposite side of the glass table. We were all eating in awkward silence when Sai spoke up. "So naruto, how long have you wanted to be a ninja? If you don't mind me asking". That bastard asked with a grin. "For as long as I can remember".

After the uncomfortable conversation we all went back to eating in silence. I didn't have much of an appetite, so I ate half of my food, while everyone finished their plates. " Naruto, Sakura, let's head out now so that we can get the mission done early." Kakashi sensei told us so I started sealing things, while Sakura started picking up bags. By the time we were done, Sai and Kakashi Sensei were already outside waiting for us.

Naruto had been acting like he usually did except for the unusual silence, and awkward conversation at breakfast, but other than that he seemed fine. I still felt guilty though, he didn't deserve what happened to him and I didn't stop it either.
I hate knowing that bastard was right when he said he wouldnt get punished for raping Naruto. But I know it's for the sake of the village and I need to keep that in mind before I attack that bastard.And just to my luck, I had been mumbling what I was thinking under my breath now there she was, sakura standing there with wide eyes and a shocked expression plastered on her face."Shit."

Wait did I just hear that right? Naruto was raped by sai?. He raped Naruto... he raped Naruto. Those were the words I repeated to myself over and over in my head with glee. That slut! he probably asked for it. My guess is when Sasuke comes back and he hears about this he won't be happy, he probably won't even love him anymore and that'll be my time to strike.

I've always wanted Sasuke, but Naruto just had to steal him away from me. The only reason I was so accepting of their relationship was because I thought as long as Sasuke was happy I should be happy, but I guess that's not the case. In all honesty, I never liked Naruto, he just so useless and stupid.

"Kakashi sensei, we can't let that bastard get away with this, it's not right!!" I said in a fake angry tone."No, absolutely not, you will keep your mouth shut. I want to help Naruto too but we can't, the village can't be put at risk and you know that!!" He hissed at me. "Fine I won't say anything." I said with a huff, and continued walking to our destination.

We were almost at the Rain Village when I heard Kakashi sensei and Sakura whispering. I was too far to hear what they were saying, but what I was more concerned with was, Sai is right behind me. I could feel his stare so I turned around only to see him staring at my ass. I quickly whirled my head back to the front, trying to ignore what he was doing. For most part, we were almost there. I think I could handle him staring at me for five more minutes.
Lol (this scene sound familiar *cough cough* hisoka)
TIME SKIP( five minutes later )
We had arrived at the rain village and went to drop Sai off at his compound. As he was about to walk past me to enter the compound, he leaned in next to my ear and whispered, "No goodbye kiss from my Naruto Kun how sad?" I shivered, moved away from him in disgust. He gave me a satisfied smile before finally walking into his compound.

It was over, the mission was finally done. After three excruciating days of rape and anxiety it was finally over, and we could head back home. This is when I say goodbye to the people I love and leave the village. " Let's eat dinner here, then head back home." Since sai isn't with us we can head home without breaks." Kakashi sensei said to me and sakura. We all nodded in agreement, then began to search for a restaurant.

TIME SKIP (the're halfway back to the leaf village)
We were almost back home when I heard a slight ruffle in the wind. "Be ready to attack!!" I heard Kakashi-sensei yell. I turned to the right to see what the threat was, and there he stood, the love of my life. He was standing there with that 'snake' Kabuto. they were armed with swords and didn't even take a glance at me.

I froze, I couldn't move, it was all too much for me. I could hear Kurama in the back of my mind yelling for me to fight, to get out of my trance, but I just couldn't. " Don't freeze up now Naruto, you didn't freeze up when you begged Sai to fuck you" Sakura yelled out for everyone to hear. That sentence was enough to break me out of my trance and put me in a state of disbelief.
(I bet kakashi like -oop)
"Sakura what are you talking about?" I asked in shock. Sakura was about to answer when Kakashi sensei interrupted. "Sakura you and I both know what happened in the forest, it wasn't consensual at all." And that's when I realized what they were talking about, they knew what had happened and didn't say anything.

"you heard... you heard and you didn't do anything! you didn't even try to help me! I screamed out for you guys to help me !!" Kakashi Sensei was about to speak, but I interrupted in a fit of rage " how could you? I gave up screaming thinking you guys were asleep, I thought you couldn't hear me, but you were right there watching me suffer" Kakashi put his head down in shame.
(Sasuke and kabuto be like 👁️👄👁️)
"You enjoyed it, stop throwing a pity party just cause you got caught ". Sakura yelled, and that was the last strand. I thought she was my best friend but it looks like I was wrong.

I suddenly started crying, letting the tears roll down my cheeks, as my legs gave out. Before I knew it I was on the ground; on my knees. "Kit it's ok, you don't have to worry everything will be ok, I'm here" Kurama said to me in the mindscape, I gave him a mental nod. Meanwhile Sakura continued to stand there spouting insults at me.

I got up off the ground, feeling better from Kurama's reassurance only to see a shocked look on Sasuke's face, a disappointed and a guilty look in Kakashi, a smug look on sakura, and a disgusted one on kabuto. They were all staring at me with judgemental eyes. I put my head down in shame and embarrassment coming to a realization.No one has ever cared for me. Even back at the Leaf Village they were all pretenders and liars. If I were to leave right now they wouldn't care, they wouldn't give a damn if I left and that's what I'm going to do.

I started walking backwards away from the group. I lifted my head to face them all and smiled, a smile of pure joy, with tears still rolling down my cheeks. " you'll regret it later, but for now I'm free." I said with a smile, but not before I heard Kakashi yell my name as I shunshined away to the sand village, using the trick Kurama taught me before the mission.

He left, and it's all my fault. I should have done something, I should have protected him. I thought as I fell to my knees with tears streaming down my face. " It's Time to go." Kabuto said. I watched as he and a shocked yet angry looking Sasuke left the scene. leaving me in tears on the ground with a smug-looking sakura beside me

Sorry it's a bit late

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