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Sorry it's a tad bit late I've been moving to a new house and I've been busy packing

Hope you enjoy

" I feel two groups of people coming my way" I whispered to my self "you feel them right," the sleepy fox asked me "ya I do I just really wanted to relax you know I haven't had a break in years literally," I said with my eyes closed to the fox on my shoulder "I know kit but we still don't know what those groups want they may just be passing by," he said to me "I hope your right cause I don't feel like fighting"

I can feel him were so close I feel his chakra my mouth is watering with anticipation under my mask the others started walking faster no we weren't walking we were sprinting suddenly everyone stopped in front of a large pond and there he was Naruto he was tall leaner with more muscle and blond hair down to his waist in a ponytail I couldn't believe it is this him I see the whisker marks on his cheeks and it and my doubts were gone


I heard it I know I heard it someone just yelled naruto I start to speed up to the point where I'm full-on sprinting the teams behind me trying to keep up with my speed "sasuke hold on your going to fast" I hear Karin yell "I'm not losing him again not when he's so close so hurry up" I yell back to the group and continue my speed until we stopped close to a large pond

I could make out a figure sitting on the pond but I can't see their face "is that him?" I hear Jugo ask from behind me "I don't know yet let's move in enough to see his face I don't feel like fighting anybody so we're just gonna spy for now" I and the group moved forward with me in the front step by step I move closer with the group following close behind
And I noticed the person's hair colour
It's blonde
It's him it has to be I know it is

Just great the last group I want to see is here and just when I wanted to relax "kit I don't like this" Kurama says to me "I know Kurama I'll handle it quickly just stay on the water while I handle it" I replied as I take Kurama off my shoulder and lay him on the water so he could balance his chakra and sleep there while I handle this situation

Over the years I had seen multiple Konoha shinobi on my travels and all of them have tried to bring me back but I've tried my best to avoid them I had a feeling Tsunade may have announced my heritage but it doesn't matter to me

I slowly make my way out of the pond and in front of the group of Konoha shinobi "what do you want" I said to the group and they seem taken back by the way I greeted them and they didn't answer "are you guys going to speak or waste my time"  I said hoping to get an answer this time and this time I got one "hiya Naruto long time no see you know it was a real drag trying to track you down" Shikamaru came up and said to me "it has been a long time Shika you haven't changed over the years" I replied

"since you see that all of us are here I guess you already know the reason we're here," the Nara said to me " ya I do but you already know I'm not going back so why even try," I said to a man I once called friend "naruto I know your not gonna listen to what we have to say but please just try and understand we don't want to have to use force" he replied how can they call me there friend and threaten me at the same time it's so so infuriating I hate it

"Some friends I have I just wish I didn't have to do this I don't like to practice killing people I knew in my old life," I said to the group of Konoha shinobi and they all gave a shocked yet terrified expression well except for Sakura " you goddam ungrateful son of a bitch we decided to take you back and you threaten us your friends you really are a demon!!" The pink banshee screamed and that was the end of my calm and reserved state

"kit calms down I can feel your rage from here!!" Kurama yells to me from across the pond ignoring kuramas plea I whispered "shadow rage"  to myself while the group's eyes were focused on the fox on the pond but my old sensei somehow managed to hear him "guys move back he's attacking!!" I hear my old sensei yell

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