Chapter 2: the mission day 1

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It's been one day since we left for the rain village. Sakura has been chatting up a storm with Kakashi-sensei and Sai, meanwhile I've been silently listening. After a while I noticed Sai giving me a lustful stare. I accidentally made eye contact and he shot me a sickening smirk that made my stomach churn. It was starting to get dark after walking a few more hours so Kakashi-sensei decided it was time for us to rest for the night.

The group of four had been travelling for a Day and a half without a break. There jonin Sensei has decided to take a break and rest up for the next day. After their Sensei had given them instructions Sakura and Naruto started setting up camp. Sai decided to sit near the fire to have a better view of a certain blond, while giving him a lustful stare. The unsuspecting blond who caught Sai's lustful gaze became uncomfortable and confused.

Naruto had seemed uncomfortable while setting up camp so I stopped unpacking the food to see why he was so uncomfortable. "Hey Naruto can I talk to you in private" to which he replied "yeah sure".

Sakura had come up to me and asked me why I had seemed so uncomfortable, I decided it would be best to tell her what was going on with Sai. I explained to her that he had been giving me these weird glances, and that it was making me uncomfortable. She told me to just ignore it and it was all just in my head, so I continued on with setting up the tents. After me and Sakura were done setting up camp I decided to take first watch for the night after we ate.


The group had finally gone to sleep for the night. Naruto was keeping watch, but he didn't realize someone was lurking in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment.

I've been on watch for about an hour now, but I feel like someone is watching me from somewhere in the shadows. I heard rustling in the bushes behind me so I slowly walked over, while pulling out my kunai ready to strike. I leaped into a pile of ingrown leaves prepared for anything only to find no one there. I was about to laugh off my paranoia when I suddenly felt the same prescience behind me that I had felt before. I whipped around to strike whatever it was with my kunai but it was already too late. I felt a sharp pain in the side of my head and blacked out.

I was slowly waking up after having been hit over the head, my vision was extremely blurry so I could only make out the outline of a person standing over me. I tried to move my arms and legs but they were bound to what seemed like a tree. I tried to scream for help but my mouth was stuffed with some kind of cloth. that's when I noticed a sickening laughter, I knew that voice, but who did it belong to? Then as if I had been struck by a lightning bolt I remembered. It was Sai.

My vision wasn't as blurry as it was before and I could now make out my surroundings. I was in the forest where we had set up camp but I could tell it was far from our tents. I tried to use my chakra to get free of the ropes, but it wasn't working so I tried to use Kurama's but that didn't work either. Sai had noticed me trying to use my chakra and gave me a sickening grin before saying " sorry my little naruto kun but I put a chakra restriction bracelet on you so you couldn't run from me". what he said was so revolting it made me nauseous. I tried to talk to kurama but it wasn't working, I'm guessing this is the bracelet's doing

. Out of nowhere sai suddenly got really close to my ear and said " I couldn't wait to be able to touch you Naruto kun, ever since I saw you I knew you were gonna be my next target. I was just waiting for that stupid Uchiha to exit the frame".


Sai took the cloth out so I could speak." what are you talking about what target, target for what !!" I screamed out " target of my sexual desires of course" and that's when I knew what type of situation I was really in. I begged him to stop whatever he was planning to do but his hands kept coming closer and closer. He began to caress my body starting with sucking on my neck. He then moved his hands lower and grabbed my member. He started to rub me through my jeans as I begged him to stop. But he didn't care, he had already moved on to unbuckling my Jeans. After my jeans came down so did my underwear. In that moment I realized no matter what I said he wouldn't stop.

So I decided to thrash around in an attempt to try and break the binds with sheer force, but it just seemed to have made Sai angry. He suddenly grabbed me by my neck and squeezed until I was almost out of air before letting go. I caught and gasped for air as he watched with content.

After I paced my breathing, He started to unzip his Jeans very slowly as if to mock me and make the horrendous moment last as long as possible. When he was done he quickly removed his underwear and elined his member to my entrance. I begged him to stop but he wouldn't, he suddenly rammed my entrance at full force till it started to bleed. I felt like I was being torn in half,I tried to run away but I couldn't. As tears stained my face he started ramming into me at full force again, the speed and force felt inhumane. I cried out for help as loud as I could but no one came.

It had been what I assumed was a few hours, I had given up on screaming knowing no one would come. He had untied my restraints as I layed slumped to the floor. What had just happened started to sink in. I broke down and sobbed against the tree I was recently tied too. I couldn't take this anymore the mistreatment, the beatings and now rape, I wanted to scream out in heartbreak but my throat was tooraw form all the screaming I had done before . I would have to wait until we went back to camp to get help. But as soon as I said those thoughts he whispered in my ear " the only reason i'm taking the bracelet is because you won't be able to do anything to me"

I wondered what he meant by that, but to my luck he answered my question as if reading my mind "I'm a powerful figure in the rain village, any accusations or harm that may come against me could start a war with Konoha and the other great nations '' I thought about what he said, and as much as I didn't want to agree the he was right. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't tell anyone, I was just disappointed in myself, it was my fault this happened, if I had been quicker I wouldn't have been captured.

I was disgusting and stupid enough to think that Konoha would actually help me, After all I'm just their useless demon brat as the villagers call me. they wouldn't go to war just for a street rat like me so it didn't matter anymore, I would just finish this mission, leave and never come back.

After Sai had taken off the chakra restraints, I stretched my limbs from the soreness of being tied up for so long. Sai then threw my clothes at me and told me to hurry up and get back to the camp. After putting on my clothes We started to walk back to the camp. When we got back to camp I walked up to Kakashi sensei's tent to make sure he was still asleep, then I went to Sakura's to find her asleep as well.

There was still two hours before we all had to start walking again. Sai had already gone back to his tent I'm guessing to fake sleep so no one would get suspicious.


Sounds like Naruto just got back. He woke me up when he came to check on me. I wasn't really asleep, I couldn't sleep after hearing Naruto's screams of pain . I heard what was going on and ran to go see what was wrong, I saw what sai was doing. I would have stopped him but that could have started a war, and Konoha can't handle that now that Sasuke's gone. Naruto doesn't have any power to his name, not to mention the village hates him, his word would mean nothing in a court of law against Sai. But knowing Naruto he'll get over it and continue smiling like he always does I hope . After Naruto woke me up he woke up Sakura while limping in pain, But I pretended not to notice. After Sakura was up we were all ready to go .


The group was on their way to the village hidden in the rain. They were all walking through the heavy mist filled forest in complete silence except for Sakura chatting with Sai, oblivious to what he had done to her friend.


A/N early update yaaaa thanks to all my lovely readers

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