Explaining a heat

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So sorry this is late again I've been trying to see where I want this story to go so if you have any ideas put them in the comments

Naruto POV
Great just great I'm making. Breakfast with kurama while trying to figure out what to do about my heat coming tomorrow when I start having before heat symptoms I'm now trying to hide me hard on and praying to Kami that the sleek from my backside doesn't leak through my pants

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back" i announced to kurama and to the rest of the group sitting at the dining table. I rush off in a hurry trying not to look to suspicious and once I'm in the bathroom and lock the door I try my best to clean my self up and will my hard on away

I don't want to tell sasuke about my heat if I do he might just leave me again if he were to except he would be stuck with me forever and I'm not sure he would want that with me and I don't want him to leave again it would ruin me permanently if he did. I start to cry thinking about how this can go so wrong for me I don't wanna lose sasuke again I can't I feel my self start to sob a bit so I put my hand over my mouth trying to muffle my cries

I calm my self down slowly and look in the mirror trying to hide my red eyes and red nose I hope no one notices especially sasuke for my sake
I leave the bathroom and hurry back to the kitchen avoiding everyone's gaze and start cooking again praying nobody noticed that I've been crying but it seems that I'm out of luck today

Sasuke pov
Narutos eyes were red he had been crying I knew it and I was gonna find out why "hey naruto can you help me with something in the room please I forgot to do it this morning" I say trying not to sound suspicious "ya sure you head back to the room first I have to wash my hands really quick"

I hurry to our bedroom and sit on the bed facing the door waiting for him to walk in. What if I did something wrong maybe I was too clingy or what if I was too distant I can't even think of anything i did wrong I hate making him cry and I hate seeing him upset and I know I sound like a hypocrite considering what I did in the past but I really do hate seeing him upset

Just as I'm about to start thinking about more things I could of done wrong Naruto walks in with a nervous expression on his face and he sits next to me on the bed facing me as I turn around to face him "why were you crying" I ask him with a serious tone "I wasn't crying sasuke what are you talking about" he says and I can instantly tell he's lying "stop lying to me I know you were crying!!" I yell suddenly getting angry he flinched back when I yelled and I immediately start to calm down I don't wanna upset more than he is now "I'm going into heat soon"

I tilt my head in confusion " because I have kurama in me I get a heat this is my first one and I if I don't mate there's a high chance of my dying" he says and I have to take a minute to process what he said before a small grin inches it's way onto my face "naru I don't have a problem with mating with you" I say with a slight blush "no that's not the problem the problem is that if we mate it's for life like it's a bond that can't be broken by anything and there's a possibility that I could get pregnant and you probably dont want that type of commitment right now" naruto says and my grin only gets lager thinking of the possibility that I could be with my naru forever and I could restart my clan "naruto I'd love to be with you forever and if you get pregnant that's just a bonus naruto I told I love you and I'm gonna do anything in my power to be with you forever no matter what" I say with as much passion as I could

I can see tears pool in the corners of his eyes and I move my hand up to his face to wipe them away once his tears are gone I caress his cheek softly and he nuzzled into my hand "that's a relief I'm glad you're ok with it when I was in the bathroom I was thinking of the possibility of you leaving me because of it" he says "naru" I say softly as I lean into him and he leans into me

Our lips meet in a soft kiss I feel his arms go around my neck as I deepen the kiss after a minute or two we break apart "I love you" he whispered lightly "I love you too" I say with a bright smile looking into his blue eyes.

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