
594 17 1

Sooooo sorry this took me so long to write
The next chapter might take a while I'm so sorry for that

I can't move my arms or legs so I'm assuming there tied I haven't opened my eyes yet sensing that someone else is in the room with me and its most likely sasuke and I don't have enough patience in the world to deal with him right now so, for now, I'm just gonna keep me breathing, even so, whoever that is doesn't know I'm awake while I figure out a plan to escape

I know he's awake he's just trying to avoid me typical naruto he hasn't changed I did miss him over the years the number of times I cried while not being able to hold him in my arms the time I just wanted to go back to him but I couldn't but  now that he's here I wanna take my time and rebuild his trust little by little I'm not letting him go ever again "I know you're awake naru" I suddenly say to the 'sleeping' blonde

Shit he knows "kit it's fine just act normal and then we can escape when they least expect it" I hear Kurama say from the mindscape and I give a mental nod in agreement as I open my eyes to see the only sasuke Uchiha "what do you want from me," I say in a monotone voice "I want you back naru you know that"

I'm a bit surprised by his answer but soon regain my composure when I hear him say my old nickname "does it look I care and stop calling me that" I retort he seems taken back by my attitude.

"fine naruto I want you back and I understand that it'll take a long time to regain your trust but can we at least try just give me one chance," he says to me with pleading eyes and I can't help but feel a pang in my heart but I can't go back "no I'm sorry but you fucked up not me I tried so hard for our relationship but you gave up and left if you had asked me to leave the village with you I would have gone with you jack ass," I say with a straight face.

I can see the guilt in his eyes but I can see a flash of determination no matter what you could always see his emotions in his eyes no matter how much he would deny it "please naruto just think about I'll leave you here for a bit to think on it " he says as he walks out of the room flashing me a small smile not  hearing his footsteps anymore and I let out a sigh of relief
"well shit"

I say to myself  "kit I say give him a chance either way I'm pretty sure he's keeping you here until you take him back anyway" Kurama says yo me in the mindscape " no I'm done with him you know that and I'm not about to let him so he can destroy me all over again" I reply "fine but at least gain back your strength for a few weeks then we can leave" Kurama says "fine only for a few weeks and because I don't feel like fighting sasuke and his stupid team" I reply and just then sasuke walks back in

"who were you talking to just now," the Uchiha asks looking around the room "no one I'm talking to myself" I replied " have you thought about my offer," he says, to me with a nervous expression.

"ill stay but under one condition you don't touch me unless I give you permission" I reply "deal I promise naruto you won't regret it," he says with a grin that I haven't seen in ages


I leave the room after untying Naruto's hands and feet I told him to chill and think some stuff over while I go get the rest of the group for an introduction "you guys ready to meet him" I say to the team walking into the kitchen "I don't know the last time we saw him he seemed pretty pissed did you feel the KI coming from him" Suigetsu says as a reply

"I promise he won't hurt you guys he promised and I have a chakra restraint bracelet I'm gonna put on him" I state showing them the bracelet the only problem is that I don't know if naruto will put it on.

Sasuke left the room a few minutes ago so now I'm just waiting the be thinking about how I'm gonna get out of this situation I mean I could just revive the whole Akatsuki and have them do the fighting for me but that wouldn't be very wise considering id have to use up a lot of my chakra and id be weakened

The worst-case scenario is someone from Sasuke's team or sasuke himself comes after me I wouldn't able to fight back " I say rest for now and sneak your way when you have a chance" I hear Kurama say in the back of my mind just as sasuke and his team walked in so I only give a mental nod to show my agreement to his statement.

"hey naruto this is the team the last time you guys met wasn't the bit hope you guys can get along"
Sasuke says and his team just waves and mumbles greetings at me I just give a mumbled "hi" and a small wave "naruto I need you to wear a chakra restraint braclet it's just for the team's safety" he puts the braclet closer to me and I freeze as memories of my rapist floods my brain

I begged him to stop. But he didn't care, he had already moved on to unbuckling my Jeans. After my jeans came down so did my underwear. At that moment I realized no matter what I said he wouldn't stop.

It hurts so much and it just won't stop

I can feel the kits flashbacks so I hurry and come out so I can calm him down but I don't think he noticed me coming out but sasuke and his team did and they immediately got into a fighting position especially since I came out in human form "would you guys stop being idiots I'm the nine tails the giant ball of chakra that lives in naruto and pit that braclet away now!!" I yell at them and they immediately go into a natural position

"What's going on with him!!" sasuke yells to me "he's having flashbacks just let me calm him down," I say in a calm tone while walking to naruto but with each step. I take closer he backs away this continues until his back hits a wall "hey naruto it's ok he's not here I promise he can't get you anymore I promise" I say and he lets out a small whimper "it's me Kurama ok kit it's ok I'm right here he can't get you anymore"

I say walking closer to him and he tries to sprint away but I quickly grab him and pull him into a hug type hold while he trashes around scratching and biting me "let me go away I'm sorry I didn't do anything I swear" he says to me but I keep him in the hold "it's ok I'm not him and he can't get you anymore"

"I promise"

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